тема: Left 4 Dead
Derpduck8 years ago

This is a website for real time runs, so any segmented/host_timescale runs don't go here really.

тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago


Osku нравится это
тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

See this thread: And for the problem in your video, the bots have some invincibility during the middle part of the revive animation, so you have to generally be fast.

тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

Technically, it's a cheated run so... OpieOP

тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

Sent a PM on youtube, just run SETUP.bat and it should install correctly.

тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

In theory, anyone could do that already. And you can use stripper on old versions by finding an older version of source/metamod from their websites, and is pretty much an irrelevant issue so I'm not sure why you chose to mention that.

тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

You can bhop in old versions too you know Kappa

The exploit blocks I'm referring to are actually specific entities called "env_player_blocker" (and "env_physics_blocker"? Not sure on this one) that are used to block most things in the game e.g. coaster skip, Dead Center 1 window, actual clipbrushes are pretty much identical in all cases as far as I know.

Any other differences are not really easy to fix, a few cvars could be changed but otherwise you would have to write some quite extensive plugins for that, and some things are not going to be changeable. However, a lot of these things do not really make an impact in the run, and this thing is not necessarily intended to replicate a specific version but more to provide a version which allows all the same things to be POSSIBLE on the newest and most convenient version.

If we were to actually time runs in a legitimate way loading times wouldn't (shouldn't) make a difference because we would be using in-game time, which would be perfectly possible to measure (and may even be now with some tools the game provides). It should be fairly easy to measure in-game time per each map at the very least and disregard loading times.

Any difference with map entities being added/removed/changed could be quite easily fixed, such as the forklift or the box, but changes to the "world" cannot be done without replacing the map files, e.g. Dark Carnival finale has an extra story on some of the buildings in newer versions (as you may have seen from the helicopter clipping through them).

Also there is an issue with the fact that no-one has a copy of the release version, so there may be some differences to how the maps were originally released, even has at least one exploit block on a jesus spot on Swamp Fever finale, which may or may not have been present in the release, but since the documentation for updates is quite limited this is untestable and unconfirmable.

The point of this is not to provide a replica of, if you wanted to play the closest thing to then you would play on Though for now I'm not sure what this would actually be, just more of my own experiment really, that probably shouldn't be valid for a speedrun because it is modifying the game in some non-official way.

On another note, I have made some progress in enabling the use of the save/load commands, however it seems that I can only add new flags and not remove existing ones without even more modification.

тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

I'm thinking of making a sourcemod package that could be used with the newest version of the game to remove some of the changes added in newer versions of the game, mainly exploit blocks and the vote creation timer. Game files do not have to be modified for this, only added using the plugin feature the game supports, similar to the script for the bhop category. These two things are easy, I could put it together if there was interest in people using this. Though, it shouldn't be leaderboard legal, at least until people agree on it. If someone would try to use it you would now have to verify these things, however there is a command to check if sourcemod is installed on the server, but making every run show this would be the only way to really properly verify runs. I have also been looking into enabling the save/load commands for segmenting or RTA, but this requires a bit more modification. It could also include some features that do not affect game play but are useful or wanted for speedruns.

тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

As I recall is almost identical to, except for the Last Man On Earth mutation and The Passing being present, but you can find a list of differences between versions here:

тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

It's not that it is an "unpatched version" that is the problem, more that it is an actual crack of the game. Other source games use things like Source Unpack, which depends on owning the actual game on steam to use the older versions, whereas this is something quite different.

тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

"Something about piracy rules."

тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

Add field for loadless times for single player leaderboard. The in-game demo system gives a reliable in-game timer, when a demo finishes it prints the number of ticks and real time of the demo for each level, excluding loading times. RTA for co-op like every other game since you can't do much about that.

Canterlott нравится это
тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

Yeah all of this stuff is known. Sound issues, crash on main menu, having to restart steam, and shorter loading times.

тема: Left 4 Dead
Derpduck8 years ago

You can change the colour of glows with console commands, e.g. cl_glow_item_r

тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

There is no solution because it's not a problem. :)

mariorules64, S. и 4 другие нравится это
тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

There's nothing suspicious about those bhops at all, if anyone thinks they are then they are just bad.

Canterlott нравится это
тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

Expert all campaigns run please.

Shade, zpqp, и Rawrica нравится это
тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

1000 resets strats.

тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago


AndreaRovenski нравится это
тема: Left 4 Dead 2
Derpduck8 years ago

You're welcome.

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