North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

My internet is shot till next week. So I'm just going to continue dropping down my times till then. I got a 2min 17secs time in Any% on Freeman's Files, and a 2min 19secs in Any% Hard. Now I gotta push that Any% Hard time down further before I can post my times on the leaderboard. lol

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

I got a low 2mins 17secs run on Any% last night! 😁 I can't post it rn tho because my internet died on me. 🙄 Oh well. Gives me time to get my Any% Hard time lower.

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

So I got a sub 2min 20 secs on Any% Hard and a 2min 20secs on Any%. I just can't post them rn because my internet is being a dick. 🙄

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

I developed a new strat for Freeman's Files, and I need to document it.

*After you kick open the door to the room with the safe, tell the electrician to "Take Cover"

*Put "541" into safe; it it's the right code, continue the run; if it's wrong, reset

*After opening the safe, and exiting the room, tell the electrician to "Follow Me" at the top of the staircase.

When you do this, the electrician will be coming out of the vent as you reach the bottom of the stairs. This way, he'll be right behind you as you tell to him "Open Door" on the doorway that leads to the switch "puzzle" room. This saves a ton of time.

I already have a PB in the Any% Hard category for this level that BETTER than my Any% time by 2 seconds using this strat. However, I don't plan to post it to the leaderboard just yet. First, I want to try to get a sub 2mins 23secs run on Any% Hard. Then, I want to improve my Any% time with this new strat. After that, I'll post them both. lol

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

I wonder if you can use the SMAW to "rocket ragdoll" yourself over the fence where the end trigger is at. 🤔

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

So I timed myself using your route. Even with faster load times, and optimal movement, it's still slower than my current route by about 5-8 secs. Having to deal with opening the door and dealing with the two dudes inside is slow. I take my route so the doorway will already be opened, and the two dudes won't spawn inside. Idk maybe using the SMAW to get back down would be faster with my route. 🤔 But it's also extremely risky.

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

I can tell you've put a lot of time into planning. That's a good sign. And I'm really impressed. I can't wait to see you apply it to a run soon.

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

Nice. That mission is such a pain on Hard difficulty. So I'm pretty impressed.

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

Nice find. I'm gonna have to test this once I start Any% Hard IL runs. 🤔

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

I really enjoy the IL runs. Optimizing my movement and stuff is kinda fun for me.

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

That's awesome. I'd def like to run that at some point. Btw I'm planning to add the "Standard Loadout" category to ILs tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to running those cats.

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

Nice. Makes me wonder what other things like that we can find.

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

Throughout the game, there are several instances where you're forced to use a specific weapon in order to proceed. For obvious reasons, these weapons are allowed to be used for their intended purposes in the "Sidearms Only" and "Standard Loadout" categories. They include:

-The mandatory turret sections in the missions "Under NORAD's Nose" and "Memories."

-The Anti-Tank SMAW used to destroy the tank in the mission "The Trojan Horse."

-The EMP Grenades used to kill the armored enemies and Singularity in the missions "Red Section," "Drowning," "Event Horizon" and "Matter's End." (EDT Darts are NOT allowed to be used in place of these grenades in "Sidearms Only," but CAN be used in "Standard Loadout.")

Using the weapons listed above for anything other than their intended purposes will invalidate your run. Use of other weapons not classified as "sidearms" or "standard loadout" will also invalidate your run.

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

Once I finish my tests on the level, I'll let you know what my findings are. I want to get the odds of each safe combination. And find out what the most common switch pattern is at the end of the level.

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

🤷‍♂️ Oh well. I really like doing the IL and All Episode Missions runs anyways. So it ain't that big a deal. At least until I can get a PSP to play it on.

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

So the game works just fine during Mission Mode. It's only in Story Mode that the game loses it's fucking mind. Hell, I can even get past Janzen sometimes in Mission Mode. Not always, but still. So for now, I'm just gonna be sticking with MM and IL runs.

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

I have a physical copy, just no hardware to play it on. I think I might just do some of the other ILs I haven't rerun or run at all. I really wanna do some more tests on "Freeman's Files." I was doing 100 runs of it and recording the safe code I got and the switch combination at the end. That way I could get some data on the likelihood of each happening.

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

Oh and I think my game might legit be broken. I can't get a run past the Janzen Glitch. Like, at all. Every run that makes it to him dies to the softlock. It kinda sucks when I'm on a crazy good pace. I haven't played the final three episodes in an Any% run since almost 7 months ago. This is why I quit playing back then. I'm gonna give it a month. If the game doesn't let me get any runs to the end, I'm just gonna switch back to ILs and All Episode Missions runs.

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

Nice. You'd definitely do well at a 100% run. Also, I kinda broke the game during my last Any% Easy run attempt of the night.

North Carolina, USADerichNC2 years ago

539 584 541 are the possible safe combos 541 for the door on the Janzen Mission

And I don't remember the code to the safe in ep3 pt1, honestly I haven't opened it since I first started replaying DM. lol

О DerichNC
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