New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

While it has not said specifically until now, it seemed assumed that 100% individual levels didn't allow taxis. I have updated it so taxis are not allowed. If you do 100% individual levels and believe a run used taxis and is unbeatable without them, please inform a mod. It is unlikely many missions could use taxis, or use them well, but I thought I would put this message here anyway.

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New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

After running at a 90 cap today and yesterday, I think I can fairly say that Trevor% world record is probably not beatable. I am not even sure if my 1:02:35 is beatable. The changes to FPS will likely result in approximately 3 minute drop on Classic%, making that World Record almost impossible to beat as well.

In discussions of the previous rule changes, we concluded it was viable to leave the boards alone due to the belief that the previous world records would still be beatable. I am less confident this time around that the present world records will be beaten. FPS doesn't seem to only effect cars, but general gameplay speed and loadings which all add up to losing multiple seconds each split. The extent of this effect was unknown previously, and is still hard to quantify even if it is more clear now.

My conclusion is either a legacy board has to be created, where the old runs will be moved, or the cap has to be removed and we just accept world record will continue to be beaten partly due to hardware improvements. A decision on this perhaps wouldn't be as pressing were it not for the impending release of RDR2. This will likely result in top runners no longer running GTA V, which will mean that world records will stand for quite sometime incongruent with the rules for new submissions (assuming the runs can be beaten at all).

I want to start a vote on the forums, preferably restricted to runners, over the following: What should be done in regards to FPS cap?

  1. Remove FPS Cap.
  2. Keep FPS Cap at 90 and create a legacy board.
  3. Keep FPS Cap at 90 and leave the leaderboards as is.

Can anyone recommend additional measures that should be added to this list of potential solutions for this issue (or lack of an issue if you disagree it is an issue)

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Ryedwag has submitted a run to the leaderboards, his run will be rejected (*edit and he will be banned) for the following reasons:

  1. He lied to the speedrun moderators in order to have all the previous moderators removed, without any discussion and with the expressed goal to give power to himself.

  2. His removing of all his previous runs and posts from the boards, suggesting his complete lack of interest in the boards or the speedgame.

  3. His massive, multiple spamming campaigns on the forums. https://imgur.com/a/nd8w6XN

  4. Lastly, he is submitting a run not due to a desire to compete but to enable further shit posting. His submission is in fact a resubmission of an old run done over three years ago. This act is clearly done just to quell the claims the he is not 'a runner' of the game. He admits this in the tag line. He couldn't even be bothered to run the game once more to achieve his malicious ends https://imgur.com/a/PqInhr0

  5. He deleted the entire San Andreas Individual leaderboards at one stage simply because he felt like it.

  6. It does not follow the rules that FPS must be shown and be capped to 90.

This clearly evidences Ryedawg's lack of respect for these boards and speedrunning in general. These actions are clearly disqualifying. This is not Ryedawg's shit posting play ground. I am tired of being the one to have to clean up Ryedawg's garbage on these boards. I am the one who has to delete 100s of dam repeated posts. He is banned from these boards, for whatever that is worth.

*Editors note: Ryedawg's run violates the rules and there is no precedent to accept it. I believe the things I have listed should result in Ryedawg being banned. I can't ban him. Toriks has suggested he will accept Ryedawg's runs if they do not violate the rules, that is his prerogative.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

After running the game at 75. Both Toriks and I agree that 90 FPS cap is acceptable. Toriks did a poll on the GTA forums that suggested most people think 90 FPS is the best option.

The rules will now be as follows, I will update the boards in due course and I will make a guide.

  1. FPS must be shown on stream for runs and be shown to be capped at 90 FPS. Programs such as Rivatuner are recommended to achieve this function.
Louis6321 нравится это
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Hello everyone.

11 months ago I made a post titled 'Higher FPS and its impact on speedrun times' where I explained that I had been shown the impact FPS difference has on cars in GTA V. The issue had no resolution for a number of reasons but primarily no one was attempting to abuse the system and no one was complaining. Why fix what isn’t broken, basically.

That has now changed. Toriks achieved world record yesterday, an improvement of 30 seconds in Trevor% after 9 months. This run was done offstream, this avoids the FPS reduction that streaming causes. Comparing his on-stream and off-stream runs, he achieved 20-40 higher fps on average. While the effect is more pronounced in this video, here is a refresher on what fps does to cars Here is Broughy discussing the issue (gets to PC 4 minutes in).

Even whilst streaming, Toriks has always had an FPS and loading time advantage (Compare both our Classic% run loadless and load times). Until now, I have just accepted my disadvantage rather than have to deal with the endless difficulties we would face solving these issues. I am however not going to let GTA V Speedrunning become ‘Who can rig their system to get the most FPS’. With a single stroke, Toriks has effectively killed the viability of streaming runs as any person who does will be hard pressed improving the world record. We had an uneasy situation that no one had abused but I think this now calls for a solution.

Having thought on it, just dealing with the fps differences would cause the least impact to the leaderboards and the route itself. Moving to loadless would effectively reroute everything due to death warps and taxis taking less time. At least having the loadless timer up there we can see who has the loadless world record still.

When considering the likely solution to FPS differences, an fps cap, the problem of ‘unbeatable world records’ comes into play. An FPS cap that is too low could make some of the world records hard to beat, whilst an FPS cap that is too high will not resolve the issue. I’d recommend an FPS cap of 75, it would both solve the issue and likely have the least impact on runs being unbeatable. FPS would need to be shown on screen, the method of locking the fps would be up to the runner. I would suggest that all runs that were valid previously are valid now, as it was with all other rule changes. I would call for a vote now, but perhaps someone has a better idea so please respond down below.

Please note, I will be deleting anything Ryedawg types here. He does not run this game and his evidenced attempts to make my life worse are not something I feel I need to tolerate on this board.

ult1matum нравится это
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

Hello The GTA V leaderboards uses 'Time with loads' to determine positions on the leaderboard. However, if you click on a person's run that also has submitted a 'Time without loads' it will display the 'Time without loads' instead of the 'Time with loads'. Here is an example: https://imgur.com/a/9JOnpk4

Is there a way to fix this?

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

New Game+ is a term used to describe when a new game is started but is altered in a way so that it is no longer a 'vanilla' new game. An example of this is with Banjo Kazooie speedruns where runners perform a glitch so they start a new game with all the abilities and don't need to waste time learning them.

A little known and a little used glitch can be done in GTA V that should be considered New Game+. Through some shenanigans, you can start a new game and have the entire map cleared rather than it being shrouded in fog as would normally be the case. I believe it is used in the all letters category WR currently.

I believe this technique should be formally banned and added to the rules of all categories. Any runs that previously used this will still be considered valid.

Please vote: 1 for ban. 2 for don't ban. 3 for other and give a different suggestion.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

The last post on this issue was by me and reads as follows: "With 11 votes for 'Allow' and 3 votes for 'Ban', a majority has been reached and thus this poll is now closed. The Ifruit app will remain allowed until circumstances change significantly enough to justify further discussion or a vote on the matter"

I believe in the last year circumstances have changed enough that reassessing the issue is justified. I bring this up in part because I may be leaving in the coming months so I feel it is better to address my concerns now.

Three new points have come forth that were either not known about, not considered fully, or had not occurred at the tim of the last vote:

  1. The failed widespread adoption of the app, representing a disagreement between actual runners and the outcome of the previous vote. In the classic% category only my run certainly uses the ifruit app, maybe S' run does as well. In trevor%, the current WR holder doesn't use it. We can't even be sure which runs use it because 'Yes' actually is the default option and so errors can occur.

  2. Being banned by Rockstar online prevents you from using the ifruit app in the single player game. This presents issues. Your conduct in another game, or an error by another entity, can prevent you using the app. While you can buy another copy of the game, this does seem to be a bit absurd.

  3. Server errors causing outages of the app mid-run. Social club has always caused some issues with running GTA V but the ifruit app takes this a step further. The ifruit app's usability being hard dependent on the health of the social club servers has been shown as an issue. This presents a distinct difference between it and things like the tingle tuner in Wind Waker, which has no such dependency.

I did not vote previously, but I would at this stage want it banned. I do like the meme number plates and the changing colour of the car, but perhaps at this stage it isn't worth it.

Please vote 1 for yes, ban it. 2 for no, don't ban it. 3 for other with a suggestion for different option.

As was the case with previous rule changes, any runs that were valid previously will remain valid.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU6 years ago

Its FPS. On Scouting The Port, Dates was able to move both blue crates at the same time. Me and Toriks had limited success doing so. Turns out if you limit your fps it will move easily without any form of resistance. 10-15 makes it extremely easy.

Are we going to make a rule to prevent people limiting their fps? Personally I think this will cause issues and it seems unnecessary. There doesn't seem to be any barrier from people using RivaTuner mid run to limit their FPS if they believe it will help.

I will probably run tommorrow with this strat.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Hey everyone The issue of varying FPS and its effect on creating an unfair playing field has been touched on before but not discussed fully. Until recently, I was under the impression that a higher FPS just provided an advantage because it was a smoother experience and you hypothetically could 'see' more. This doesn't appear to be the case.

I am sure most of you are aware of curb boosting, going over bumps/curbs and receiving a small speedboost. It appears as though the amount of speedboost you get depends on your FPS. Broughy1322 discusses it here

Lets be clear, curb boosting is far more impactful in races compared to the speedruns. In races, you plan out the map to make perfect turns which maximise the curb boosting. In a speedrun, your primary goal is dodging traffic while maintaining speed which does not easily allow for you to catch a great amount of curbs. It would hypothetically take dozens upon dozens of curb boosts to make up for even a single crash. Worth the risk in a few minutes race but not in a 6 hour speedrun.

However, there are exceptions to this which is what has brought this to my attention. The Franklin/Lamar drive has no traffic for example. This lack of traffic has allows a runner to catch effectively every curb possible. Recently I increased my graphics, thus reducing my FPS, and have found myself losing a second or so in this drive. Over the course of the entire speedrun, especially 100%, one could quickly imagine that a person with 60fps would lose a decent amount of time even from curbs just hit in passing compared to 144 fps.

Should we implement an FPS cap? What should this cap be? According to Draconis (a knowledgeable viewer of mine), these effects are most pronounced over 100fps. Another important factor is how would we enforce such a cap. Videos are recorded in 60fps, we wouldn't notice if someone had a higher fps cap.

Please put your thoughts below.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Hello everyone It is possible in GTA V to taxi to a place despite having insufficient funds. You just get the cops on you when you arrive. In the 'All Letters' miscellaneous category, you only have a very limited amount of money to use so you can only taxi a few times. It would therefore be beneficial to do this.

Unfortunately, if you have the pre-order bonus money you will arrive without the cops (simply using some of the bonus money).

The ban on the pre-order bonus money is insufficient because:

  1. You can not know how much money each taxi drive will require. A person with the pre-order bonus will be gambling each time whether they go under. A person without the pre-order bonus could just throw caution to the wind, gaining an advantage, as the worst thing that could happen is getting the cops.
  2. A person without the pre-order bonus can just take a taxi at $0 and get the cops on them when they arrive due to lack of payment. A person with the pre-order bonus would be restricted in being able to take a taxi at 500k as they would go below 500k. The person without the pre-order bonus would have an advantage.

There needs to be a resolution to this problem. Banning taxis would seem the best approach.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

I was under the impression that some mission replays didn't show the mission time (in-game time). Which one's don't?

I have noted that many of the submitted individual levels give an in-game time at the end, but it is timed on RTA anyway. Was there any justification given previously why more individual levels are not timed with in-game time if it is given at the end?

Looking at the runs submitted, it appears that many more runs give in-game time than is listed in the rules. Any thoughts?

Vinewood Souvenirs - Tyler doesn't showin-game time: Long Stretch does (Isn't timed with in-game time though): https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=415&v=NhOcjlVZupA

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Hello Unhallowed submitted this run:

This is Cheeselover's run done 6 months ago:

You will notice that there is a difference in time due to one being done after a death and the other being done directly from the replay menu. This problem has arisen due to the individual level timings being somewhat undefined. For levels with in-game time shown at the end (maybe 1/3rd) this isn't an issue as the time is unambiguously shown. For the rest, the rules are largely non-existent. It was essentially the previous runner that defined where the timing should take place.

I propose a few possibilities (feel free to suggest more):

  1. Timing on the non-ingame time missions should be done after a mission fail. You start the run, fail the mission, and timing starts after loading back in (Unhallow's method).
  2. I will go through and type individual timing rules for each mission (this will take awhile). I will decide what is best for each. I will do this somewhat regardless of what is chosen.
  3. All runs must start from the replay menu itself. If you fail, you must leave the mission and choose replay again. This will be annoying for retries but it will be the least ambiguous (Cheese's method and the unwritten method).

What do you think?

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Hey In the 100% tab, there is a variant which allows a user to select whether they want to see 'without mission skips' or with 'mission skips times'. However, Any% without mission skips and Any% with mission skips are given separate tabs. This is inconsistent.

Please vote on the following solutions:

  1. Make Any% similar to how 100% is now.
  2. Make 100% similar to how Any% is now.
  3. Leave it as it is.

To clarify, no category will be removed. I forgot to add the imgur so check out the leaderboard to understand what I mean. Look at the set up for both types of 100% and both types of Any%.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

This will be the final vote for the name of the contentious category. Please choose one of the following options.

  1. Trevor%
  2. Beat The Jewel Store Job
  3. The Jewel Store Job
  4. Beat The Jewel Store Job (Trevor%)
  5. The Jewel Store Job (Trevor%)
  6. Other (Type suggestion)

Please vote if you have run any category within the last year or have an interest in watching GTA V speedruns.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

If anyone objects to my locking any of the old threads please say so. They either: A ) Were questions that were answered. B ) Contain factually incorrect answers to questions. C ) Are no longer relevant to how this game is played.

Locking them just puts them down the bottom. Deleting them seems harsh because they are history but I have deleted posts that were just a dead link like "Look at this" and a dead link.

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New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

This is a somewhat dead discussion but I wanted to resurrect it. If you have run GTA V (any category) in the last year or have shown interest in GTA V speedrunning through watching the runs or streamers, feel free to read and vote below.

Please comment with one of the following to voice your vote as to the fate of the 'Ifruit App':

  • Ban it.
  • Allow its use. You can add further comment but please start with either one of these positions. The Ifruit apps primary use is to make minor upgrades to vehicles using an app on your phone or iPad whilst you play (not in the game, in real life).

When I first found that the ifruit app saved time, I was against using it. I was not a mod so I discussed it with a few other GTA people on twitter and I made a forum post. Most people I discussed it with were either indifferent or supported using it, similar to how the tingle turner is used in 'Wind Waker'. After much deliberation, I believed the only real reason I had left to support banning it was that it was somewhat annoying to use.

That was 11 months ago. Today, I am the only one who has used the Ifruit App (excluding LoneWolfHalen once and LotsOfS yesterday). At this point it is just giving me a small advantage over anyone else who runs the game.

With that being said, the only people who would be motivated to use it are those who want to squeeze out every second possible. There are only a few such runners now, but it is possible that one day it could be used by more people. The last 11 months however suggests this is unlikely.

I do not care if it is kept or not at this stage, if that matters to you.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

The rules in each of the category descriptions are somewhat vague, have dead links and outdated information.

I have updated Classic% but I will be waiting until tomorrow to fix the remainder. No rules will be changed without consultation, simply the wording.

I will also be double checking the individual level mission order is correct (reflecting how it is in the in-game menu). I will also check the older threads for any updates that were not made. Most seem to have been but doesn't hurt to check. Older redundant threads will be locked to push them to the bottom of the forum.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

According to CheeseLover, the following missions are not replayable from the Replay Menu:

Paparazzo The Partnership Grass Roots - Franklin Grass Roots The Smoke-In Seeking the Truth Accepting the Truth Assuming the Truth Bearing the truth Exercising the Truth Special Bonds Death at Sea What Lies Beneath Nigel and Mrs Thornhill Extra Commission Far out The final Frontier Mrs Phillips Damaged Goods

I suggest they get removed from the Individual Levels leaderboard.

CheeseLover нравится это
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU8 years ago

Hello I have been the only one experimenting with the Ifruit app, as far as I know. Its use was somewhat justified given the logic that other speed runs utilize similar official addons e.g the tingle tuner in wind waker.

I have recently discovered a different 'quirk' with the app. It is possible to transfer over the car upgrades of any file onto another file. I tested this when I arrived at father/son with michael, not starting the mission. I saved the game, loaded my 100% save file, queued a paint change for my car, loaded my original save game again, and michael's car was the car from the 100% save file but it had the new paint. Michael of my original file was charged the cost of the new paint, 650 dollars, that is all.

Doing this takes about a minute, changing from file to file, but something else can be done that is more run viable. It is possible to go into a 100% save file, buy a change colour for Franklins car, start a new game, and have the 100% save file car be Franklin's starting car. For some reason if I do the same for michael his car is not the 100% save file car when I get to it. I have yet to test if Trevor's car is the 100% save file car but I did have it happen once accidentally that trevor spawned with the upgraded car (I didn't know why it happened at the time).

This new bug/strat is similar to the 'FFM' banjo-kazooie glitch http://www.speedrun.com/bk#Any1 Basically, one uses a pre-prepared file with all the moves learnt to 'copy' them onto a new save file.

I am not one to argue that just because one thing is done in another speed run that it should be done with GTA V, but I don't see any problem with doing this. It will both shorten the run and make it less arduous.

Any objections? If I figure out how to get Michaels and trevor's cars to spawn upgraded, in the same way Franklin's does, this will make it far easier for everyone. You won't need to do any upgrading while playing, it will just be something you prep before you start.

¤Edit: Gael has informed me that loading an external save file during a run is against the rules. This was not likely to be useful anyway but the pre-loading prior to starting the run would be.

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