тема: Call of the Sea
SpainCuervo823 months ago

Hello! thanks for running this game.

Maybe I'm wrong because I played it many years ago... but I seem to remember that the sprint was lost when loading saves.

The only way I had to ensure the sprint is to start a new game and do the complete run.

I hope it helps you. If you have any other questions, let me know.

тема: Access Denied
SpainCuervo822 years ago

yep.... thanks! :)

SpainCuervo822 years ago

I think it's fine. good idea!

SpainCuervo822 years ago

hello! Is there a discord forum or server dedicated to this game where we can comment on the progress we make with deeer, or are we only using this forum?

SpainCuervo822 years ago

Less than a second ?! hahahahaha I don't know how the puzzle works ... but that run will be quick to review. hahaha congratulations! (I guess mods will have to add the hundredths of a second option in the markers for that category)

рекорд: DEEEER Simulator
SpainCuervo822 years ago

Nice run!

тема: The Little Acre
SpainCuervo823 years ago

Oh perfect. I like the idea of adding a category of achievements, specifying the requirements to be met in the rules. Also agree to add the separation of categories with glitches / without glitches

тема: The Little Acre
SpainCuervo823 years ago

Oh, I can't help you with that because I play on xbox, (I have a gamer pc but I don't use it to play, xd xd xd) I have the xbox seriesX so my loading times in the speedrun are fast, similar to those of a powerful pc ... I think that the run of this game is going to be based on the optimization of movements ... I do not expect that there will be important glitchs ... but you can never be sure that completely xd xd

UnityWeb32 нравится это
тема: The Little Acre
SpainCuervo823 years ago

Agree with you. The category "no tips" and less than an hour "do not make sense and the" achievements "category has the problem you mentioned. I only see logical the category any% / full game ... and later, if glitchs or skips appear, create a new category if necessary. For now I will do a simple race to open the markers and then I will try to find a glitch that allows me to improve times. I hope my run makes you want to try it too, Shinotsu 😉

Rain_Shinotsu нравится это
тема: The Little Acre
SpainCuervo823 years ago

Well, I guess tomorrow I'll send my run of this game. Obviously I will do it in less than an hour and without using tips ... then my run is valid for the categories: sub1hr, no tips, and full game 😅😅😅 well, I will send a message to the admin of the game to find out if he will correct the rules and categories or if he prefers help to moderate the game

Rain_Shinotsu нравится это
тема: The Little Acre
SpainCuervo823 years ago

I also want to run the game and I don't understand the categories. I also don't understand why glitchs or exploits cannot be used, if there are any. I think there should be an any% category and that people run it however they want. I don't think the achievements or the other categories are necessary in this speedrun. 🤔

Rain_Shinotsu нравится это
SpainCuervo823 years ago

I'm going to continue tomorrow trying to solve this glitch and improve the times. I think that in a couple of days someone will find the solution to execute this glitch

SpainCuervo823 years ago

And yeah, the female elevator skip is working on xbox and pc too 😃

SpainCuervo823 years ago

Yes I agree. The glitch works in a very random way. And also agree that angle / position is surely the key to mastering glitch ... but having the exact angle and position is not necessary to reach the boss through the glitch. (I have achieved it with a random angle) Surely there is "something" that affects the glitch to send us to one place or another. And sure "that" is the angle, position, or any other action that we have not yet figured out. Hope we find it before the developers see it and patch it xd xd xd

SpainCuervo823 years ago

My current patch game is 255856

I think is completely ramdon that the glitcht send usto the final boss...

SpainCuervo823 years ago

By the way, im playing on Xbox seriesX

SpainCuervo823 years ago

Another important point is the level to enter the boss ... entering with level 1 and without improving the sword takes more than 10 minutes hitting the boss. You need to go up 2 or 3 levels by killing enemies, maybe commit suicide 2 times to get the strength buff (20 years) and pray that the enemies drop the necessary pieces to improve the sword once. I also think that it is necessary to try that the final boss does not appear in the middle of combat ... I suspect that it takes less damage when it is not invisible.

SpainCuervo823 years ago

Well I was finally able to run in 17 minutes😮 I have been practicing the teleporter glitch and I think head position and direction of movement are not important ... you just need to "escape" the teleporter and stand on top of the elevator to activate the glitch. but the final boss appears is random, I can't control the glitch. Sometimes it travels to the final boss, but if I'm not lucky I can spend 20 minutes trying without success.

SpainCuervo823 years ago

But I think the glitch to go straight to the final boss has definitely broken the game. 😅😅😅 I can't make it 100% consistent at the moment, at least on xbox. I have managed to reach the final boss only once with this glitch, the other times it sends me to other locations. I'll keep testing to get the glitch accurately and consistently.

SpainCuervo823 years ago

The glitchs you found are incredible! the mirror skip for the first boss is 100% effective on xbox. With that we already have 5 minutes left on the route and we leave it in almost an hour.

О Cuervo82
3 years ago
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