Virginia, USACelestial_Derp3 years ago

I already know about this. There is no consistent way to dodge that fire, sometimes it does happen. I have 1/4 of a heart if I haven't already used the bafomdad. It is routed so that I can sometimes go for it. There is more than 1 luck factor. Taking more damage wouldn't help the fact I'm already low on health. The reason why you always have low health is because of the much more significant death warp in Snowhorn Wastes. The optimal health is 3/4 when starting the trial for K4, and you need to have good luck on the first ladder in DR, get the fire dodge, and not take any extra damage after the SW deathwarp. Just being able to go for it is very difficult in a practical sense.

josejavier1158 и zcanann нравится это
Virginia, USACelestial_Derp3 years ago

Is the queen earthwalker near the exit of TH toward LFV/CC? Maybe the cutscene is waiting there to start WC2?

Dark-X-rane нравится это
Virginia, USACelestial_Derp3 years ago

My problem is and always will be about my personal enjoyment of the game. A flimsy argument, I know.

Either R/ESW +other glitches makes SFA significantly faster and there is some category split, or it isn't a significant difference, and as a result there is some rule change as opposed to a category split.

The first case would be much better, and I would be more than OK with it. However, the second outcome would be less than desirable.

I suppose my fear is that R/ESW alone will save a small enough time save as to not require a category split, and make the game less enjoyable to run overall.

Honestly, at this point I hope to see something game-changing. Now I say this under the complete assumption that a rule change or category split is inevitable.(As I believe I am the only person to even have an opposition to this, and it is flimsy at best.) (Also, this is all under the obvious assumption that ESW+RESW save time in the first place.)

Habble, josejavier1158 и 2 другие нравится это
Virginia, USACelestial_Derp5 years ago

Every one of this games main categories completes the game under a given stipulation. Any%, Glitchless, and 100%. While I'm not going to get into my personal feelings here, all of these categories make sense for basically any game with exploits, and/or things not required for game completion. The two miscellaneous categories of this game both show off a unique exploit of the game. ESW has it's namesake, Event Storage Warp. Spellstone 1 reveals DIME(Dark Ice Mines Early) which isn't possible in any category that requires Krazoa Spirit 4.

Spellstone 2 would just be a harder version of Spellstone 1, and would include CCE,(Cape Claw Early) BCRS,(Baby CloudRunner Skip) and Iceless Cape Claw. While I would like to see a Spellstone 2 category, I also can see that DIME, CCE, and BCRS wouldn't be unique to the category. Iceless Cape Claw may be difficult and require a decent amount of skill, but it doesn't warrant it's own category. As you move up from what could be done, nothing in particular would be unique, and miscellaneous categories never have restrictions. Spellstones 3 or 4 would require ESW or RESW respectively to have any merit, and even then I don't feel they would be good categories.

I also think it's worth mentioning that shorter categories don't seem to do the trick in this game. ESW is less than 40 minutes, and has premade save file for the category, but there are only 8 times on the leaderboard. Spellstone 1 is commonly obtained in less than an hour and a half, but has few runs, and only 2 of them do the trick that makes the category unique.

I would like to see more variety on the leaderboard as well, but I just don't see it happening. Maybe a Spellstone 2 category, but I don't want to be too hopeful either. That decision is up to the community as a whole.

josejavier1158 нравится это
Virginia, USACelestial_Derp6 years ago

This is something that we need to decide as a community. What I am offering is a thread in which we can discuss this respectfully without making our own opinions seem oppressive. I just want to ask a few questions. I am going to state my opinion on the matter and I hope everyone in the community does the same.

If you agree with ESW just because of the interest, or because it is a short category; does that mean that we need a short category as a main category? I'm just wondering if it would be so bad if the shorter categories were misc? People could still run them, they would still be on the leaderboard, but do they NEED to be main categories? This really boils down to a simple question. Should Event Storage Warp be allowed in the main categories?

I'll tell you from experience, Krystal Corruption was much more enjoyable than Any% as it is now. Any% as it is now is a 34 minute run and the majority of it is cutscenes. Krystal Corruption is only 18 minutes, but more of it is gameplay than cutscenes.

My stance is, and will remain, that Event Storage Warp in all forms should not be allowed in the main categories. I believe that even though they are both short categories, Krystal Corruption, and Glitched Any%(Any% as it is now) could coexist as miscellaneous categories. They would both give runners, old and new, a short category that they can enjoy as they please.

I also want to note; whether or not Jub posts in this forum thread, that we should remember his stance is much against the existence of Event Storage Warp in the main categories.

May we finally put this to rest as a community.

Virginia, USACelestial_Derp6 years ago

OK. Let me try one more time to explain my thought process on how this should be handled. This game needs a redefinition. I don't really see a way around this. We want to create a ruleset in which we can agree upon Event Storage Warp(ESW) but disallow Reverse Event Storage Warp(RESW) as a part of a "real" run. Any ruleset in which we can coherently allow ESW, and Not RESW, would lead to the run with ESW as Any%. To observe the fact that we want to keep the current run as it's own unique category, it would make the most sense, to me at least, to rename the current route to Any% no ESW. Now to bring this full circle, since RESW would be banned under the new ruleset, I feel we have mostly agreed on Krystal Corruption as a misc category/meme run.

Virginia, USACelestial_Derp6 years ago

Tested and Fixed. All I have to do to the previous ruleset is just remove the idea that the run needs to be finished in slot 1

Virginia, USACelestial_Derp6 years ago

I know everyone already knows my stance on this, but I will put it here just because.

My solution is to define Star Fox Adventures as follows: "You must begin the run on a new file in slot 1. Time begins upon selecting "play game" on the new file in slot 1. There are no restrictions for your files in slots 2 & 3. You are NOT allowed to break the in-game timer in any way. The run ends upon killing Andross, timing ends when the final blow is dealt and the death cutscene begins." This set of rules would allow ESW, but not allow RESW as it breaks your in-game time. Further more, I believe the category names should be as follows: Any% under the new rule-set will use ESW, and the current route would be Any% no ESW. "Krystal Corruption" should be a miscellaneous category because RESW breaks the in game timer and thus would break the defined ruleset.

Just as a note, we already have two confirmed completions of Krystal Corruption so you know it's gonna be a dank meme. It just needs a slot on the leaderboard.

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