Seattle, WA, USACalmlamity4 years ago

How about changing the wording of the rules from "Collect all non-consumable Items and Spells." to "Collect all non-consumable Items and Spells from their original locations."? Does that clear up the issue to you all the way I'm envisioning it?

Seattle, WA, USACalmlamity4 years ago

From the look of it, everyone's been collecting everything manually (without glitching into inventory) for as long as the category's been around. I agree that 100% should include killing Dualhead Hydra and getting the Sun Coin out of the chest at the end. If I'm not mistaken, every other item in the game is picked up out of a chest as well, I think this one should be no different.

Seattle, WA, USACalmlamity5 years ago

I just found that if I use L or R to switch weapons while the screen is shrinking from using exit, there's a frame where this will cause the game to hard lock.

...just lost a run 2:30 ahead after Exit split to it... as if battling RNG wasn't bad enough already, lol.

I play on emulator, and have been able to lock the game from multiple save files throughout the game in a similar fashion, so it wasn't a one time occurrence. Has anyone else had this problem, and specifically, has anyone experienced this on console? Thanks!

О Calmlamity
6 years ago
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Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
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Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
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