United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

This will likely be a TAS only trick, but I accidentally found a super-precise Level 6 trick that might make HIO possible.

There is a small 90-degree angle ridge on the first turn. By hitting this at the exact speed in the exact spot, it may be possible to shoot up into the air and get an HIO or land really close to the goal.

If done fast, this could save 1-4 seconds.

I'll link a video of what I mean in a bit.

United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

I would prefer stream my Super Golf attempts via Twitch, but I'm still a new Twitch streamer, so I am not able to take part of a stream and turn it into a recording.

I have two options after this: either stream and record both with OBS, or stream and record with something different. Both of these options obliterate my computer.

I was wondering if I can just take a screenshot of any time I get. To further back this up, I don't play in fullscreen, so I will screenshot the OBS streaming it and all the other things on my desktop.

With thanks, @EBH

United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

It's theoretically possible to HIO on levels 1-5, My 5:54 HIO'ed on levels 3 and 4.

1: HIO (Theoretically, a frame perfect hit could send you far enough, and with a good angle, a possible HIO.) 2: HIO 3: HIO 4: HIO 5: HIO (Unsure)

United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

This probably isn't what you were all expecting-

Super Golf actually times you the frame your ball spawns in, NOT the frame is starts moving. This means, if we fully rely on IGT, the runs are 500% more stressful because you have to make precise movements at precise angles really fast.

I know this because I was doing HIO practice on Level 2 (Oasis) and got an HIO, but the game said it was 16 seconds. That is just WAY too long! My normal HIO times for Level 2 are 8-10 seconds. Having a 16 second time for an HIO, especially on a level as short as 2, is just wrong.

I think it would be easier to just SPRT every hit from the frame the ball starts to move to either the frame the ball stops moving, or the frame the message appears that you got the ball in the hole.

If you moderators don't want to do this, I highly suggest hiring me to do it for you!

United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

It's looking close- Who will be the first to get a sub 30?

As of now, the WR is 33:44 by me. (If you're wondering where it is, the video is still uploading as time of this.)

United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

Hello. My name is EBH. I am looking to be moderator/verifier for this game. I believe I meet all the requirements: -I have experience at moderation. I moderator a game called Down Hill Smash -I am an active ROBLOX speedrunner. -I have SPRT and know how to use it. Looking forward to moderating!

United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

How about some new categories, there haven't been any new ones since Marathon. Here are some basic ones from most convenient to least convenient

Dizzy Volcano - This was a new map added on the 21st of December, it needs to be on here anyway.

Single Lap - Recently Mael added IGT for single-lap, so we no longer need to retime this!

Any% - Some, if not all, maps have skips that skip the checkpoints, and therefore do not count. I was thinking, maybe we could use SPRT or another retimer to have any% runs! This can be used for ILs or Full Game runs.

100% - Full Game category. Get every ball from every map to finish. I think there will be some interesting strategies in this other than just doing the maps fast.

Individual Legacy and Current leaderboards for each map - I already know that there are Legacy and Current splits for each map, but they're under the same category; Finish Race. (Legacy + Current are a side-category) so maybe we could just move the leaderboards from the side-categories to individual categories. This is totally fine if not done.

nileprime и cubemadmaxYT нравится это
United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

It's here! Death% soon.

Sorry about the bad audio, I took the music for YouTube and just played it on my Mac whilst playing the video, and my Mac is pretty old.

Yes, I know the times have commas instead of decimals, Flourish (The software I'm using to make this) Automatically rounds decimals, and they're is no way to turn it off, so I just used commas instead, as they work just fine.

Gekki нравится это
United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

and we all thought Niftski's 430 was crazy

lazarlazar, OdiriaToo и 6 другие нравится это
United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

Did ROBLOX go down? My ROBLOX is just NOT WORKING. At first when I loaded ROBLOX, it loaded in a connection error. I reloaded the page just to get the same thing. I thought it may have been my browser, so I tried refreshing a different tab. It worked. I thought maybe something just happened with ROBLOX on this specific browser, (I was using Safari as I normally do.) So I opened Firefox just to get the same error.

I checked ROBLOX's outage map (you can find it at Downdetector) and, to my surprise, there were about 60,000 reports for server/connection problems in the past hour.

Eventually after about 10 refreshes I got the home page to load, but when I tried to join a game it would just show the error message again. I went back to the home page, and something made my blood go cold.

The error message was on the home page. Twice.

This can only mean one of two things:

  1. The error message was glitched onto the home page
  2. ROBLOX was hacked.

The reason I think it might have been hacked was that back in 2012, when ROBLOX got hacked it was still playable, however the hackers managed to put banners on the home page showing error things and stuff.

If anybody has any explanation to this, please reply.

United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

There are some people that continuously submit the same run. Please DO NOT do this, it just wastes more of my time.

Also, please do not send multiple runs in the same 24 hour period. Again, this just wastes more of my time.

Gekki нравится это
United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

There is a thing where if you just do some crazy movement you can skip a whole part for some reason, I would classify this as a "glitch" so maybe we can add a category that doesn't do this?

United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

game link pls

bestprgame нравится это
United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

I can no longer verify runs thanks to my dad. Hope you guys understand.

I can still do mod work like respond to forum threads and stuff.

Exazee нравится это
United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

I was thinking, shouldn't we have it so when your character touches the truck instead of when the death sprite appears, because technically when you hit the truck is when your supposed to die

It's fine if "no"

United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

The Spawn Rule has been lifted due to it effecting too many runs

you do not have to record yourself lining up with the position you want.


United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

I have experience with ROBLOX games and I am active on sr.c

looking forward to moderating

computerdwarf нравится это
United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

I just cannot figure out how to do that tiny skip on level 1,

is there a tutorial video or anything

United StatesB4ndit3 years ago

I watched a full inventory speedrun and realized that if this is allowed it would save tons of time

Is it possible that you could get lots of one item and fill your inventory with it, for example if you get 1 stack of oak planks and then click and hold RMB, you could move your cursor over each inventory space, filling them with an oak plank.

I could see why this wouldn't be permitted, as most of it would be menuing.

О B4ndit
ye s
4 years ago
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