United StatesArcaneCatnip3 years ago

No rules are there. Buddy and I want to give a go at it.

United StatesArcaneCatnip3 years ago

The pages are a mess with all of the runs being on different patches. I was hoping that someone could move the runs on different patches into the same page. I can explain further:

It is not possible to acquire a old patch of the game on Xbox at all, and for PlayStation it is a difficult process. If specific runs require older patches of the game that are difficult or impossible to get on the consoles, I feel like it would be walling off potential people from entering the community.

There are also so few runs on Atlas and Artemis that it would make more sense to consolidate them to respective pages for game mode, without having to be patch specific.

Also, as a newer person here, I find the amount of options very overwhelming. It would be much nicer if the only real subcategory was difficulty setting. I am aware that LeftSideWorldwide made a post similar to this, requesting category cleanup, but that was not patch related and it was a while ago.

I know that duplication glitches and other things are important for runs, but if access is restricted to pretty much PC only because of patches of the game, you are turning away people that may want to try out the game from a speedrunning perspective. I know that Xbox game pass brought in a lot of people to the game as a whole, so you guys shouldn't make it hard for us.

Even if the point is made about older patches being relevant, I'm not saying that they would need to be obsoleted. If you look at date of submission for patches for Beyond and Next, they're all very outdated runs, 5-7 months ago for most of them.

Here is what I propose: Removing the subcategory of what patch is played on, unless it makes an absolutely drastic difference to the run (glitches and the sort). You guys can make it a requirement to submit the patch played on in the submission description to have it be validated, or you can add a column to the board that will show what patch the run was played on. Here is a good example: https://www.speedrun.com/cc As you can see, it shows what character the runner plays (next to what platform it was played on). You can just do this for game patches so that they are all on one board, but it is easy to see what the patch is.

If anything comes to my mind, I will add it later, but this is the gist of what I think would help organize the board and make it less intimidating for new runners like me, and expand the speedrunning community to Xbox and PlayStation.

United StatesArcaneCatnip4 years ago

I have looked for this but cannot find it. If someone could provide instructions that would be great, thanks.

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United StatesArcaneCatnip4 years ago

In order to ensure that everyone is starting the story at the same level could there be a requirement of clearing your save file before attempting a run?

Side note, is video required for a run submit? I can do it, but I don't know if it will look good. (I would film my tv/xbox from a tripod.)

United StatesArcaneCatnip4 years ago

I am aware that all of these runs are made on the original game of Castle Crashers. The remastered version of the game has no category or page for it so I was wondering if they would go on here with the other runs. This seems like a bad idea as the remastered version runs at 60 frames per second, and the original is only 30/second, and some weapons and animals got buffs/changes. Also, some glitches do not work on the remastered version.

Could we get a category or page for Castle Crashers Remastered? A way to convert time to put it on the same page might also work.

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О ArcaneCatnip
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