Anankoz2 years ago

On the Discord make sure to read #welcome and then fill in your roles in #role-assign and you should be able to get started on the Discord :)

CatontheOven нравится это
Anankoz2 years ago

But what if it's true

Liqquify нравится это
Anankoz2 years ago

It's rude to call out mods for not verifying a run fast enough

Anankoz3 years ago

discord link i don't like you in you do not like me but you need to sat the link bc i need this in that way i can join the call but i can do it so discord will you do it he say yes

Anankoz3 years ago

Hi I started playing this game recently, but one thing turned me off. Why are the coins blue? They should be yellow. Will someone just give me a real answer?

Anankoz3 years ago

Spam on the 3GBA forums. I'll have to notify the mods of this spam

dna423 нравится это
Anankoz3 years ago

Humans are more

dna423 нравится это
Anankoz3 years ago


dna423 нравится это
Anankoz3 years ago

i don't see a big different is the thing, other than flags being broken, but i don't even really care about flags

dna423 нравится это
Anankoz3 years ago


Where is Yotto Gargarpa though?

dna423 нравится это
Anankoz3 years ago

It has come to my attention that there is a runner of this game who bullies his dad. He shall remain anonymous, but he looks like jesus. During stream, this anonymous person (let's call him Thomas from now on, to make it easier), was called by his father. Thomas then proceeded to tell his dad to F off and hung up 5 seconds later.

Another time on stream, Thomas said "I don't hate all dads, I just hate my dad". Also one time Thomas his dad was away for the weekend and called Thomas to let him know he was gonna be home soon. Thomas then said "the house burned down". His father stressed the entire way home, only to find out Thomas had been lying to him! What's even worse is that Thomas locked the house and left his father to sleep outside for the night.

I think this anonymous Thomas person should be nicer to his dad, what do you think?

In conclusion, I have two things to say:

  1. Humans are more
  2. 3D Tania
dna423 нравится это
Anankoz3 years ago

You can ask the moderators of the GBA game to add that category to the leaderboards

Anankoz3 years ago

Through thorough investigation and lengthy interrogations of all parties involved, I have found out that DNA423 bought his way into being a moderator for the page of Donkey Kong Country 3 for the Game Boy Advance.

I have my evidence here. I did not keep backups of this evidence but I am sure nothing can happen to this thread where I call out both moderators for being corrupt.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

I hope the two moderators will do the right thing and ban each other. We cannot allow the pages to be ran by corrupt moderators, because if we cannot trust the moderators, then who can we trust?

As a responsible private investigator, I have already informed the Tonkotsu police and they have informed me that they have their best sharks on the case, and they will soon come to arrest you and eat you, so that only your glasses remain.

Thank you for listening to my case.

grroink и dna423 нравится это
Anankoz3 years ago

Hi! I am interested in speedrunning this game since it reminds me of my childhood. I remember back in 1996 playing this on my CRT TV lol. Before I start running I want to know if sub 40 is possible. I saw the WR is only 49 minutes and I think that's too long for a speedrun so I hope sub 40 is possible so I can just get that. Also are there any difficult tricks? I'm allergic to difficult tricks so I sure hope there are none.

dna423 и Doumeis нравится это
Anankoz3 years ago


dna423 нравится это
Anankoz3 years ago

Can you believe it?

Anankoz3 years ago

I think to make this game more active again, we need more mods. Dna, time for your yearly application!

Anankoz3 years ago

Doumeis нравится это
О Anankoz
6 years ago
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