тема: NieR: Automata
United StatesAlabaster_7 years ago

Makes sense, especially since doing the opposite ending and then E wouldn't be that much of a time difference for players since the other ending is quick to get and E is an autoscroller.

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тема: NieR: Automata
United StatesAlabaster_7 years ago

Why is New Game Any% not from A-E?

тема: NieR: Automata
United StatesAlabaster_7 years ago

I agree that everyone should be heard, I only wanted to voice some ideas for a future solution as I am not a fan of re-using save files from previous runs. Conjecture online points to the level cap possibly being level 99, so that is out. What are your thoughts on running from a universal save file on PC?

тема: NieR: Automata
United StatesAlabaster_7 years ago

I feel that there are too many ways to game the system with that setup. I mean, if a player said they wanted to submit what was, essentially, a casual play through of the game would you really say no to them? As long as it meets the requirements (timing specifications, recorded, single segment, etc.) I feel any run should be valid. Also, the idea of having to use previous best save files from each category is a bit of a hoakie solution. For one, that means you can only attempt 1 run of B and 1 run of C, since you can't go back later and redo a run because your EXP and everything else will stay the same. I'm of the opinion that there are really only 3 options (in the order I like them from most to least):

  1. Single Segment Only aka if you want to submit a run for B you do A first then B. If you want to do a run for C you do A first, then B, and finally C. This is the most fair method. It is also the longest, which would turn people off from running these.
  2. If Automota has a level cap we decide that runs of any ending other than A have to be on a save file that is max level cap. We also specify that you MUST discard/destroy/remove all items, chips, weapons, and money in the previous save barring the minimum that would be left money wise. This seems the easiest solution, as people can use a full save to just start from the beginning over and over again, no previous save weirdness. Also, if there is an item that stops EXP gain we could set a level everyone starts at but they must be using the specified item. I'm not as big a fan of this idea because there will have to be alot of micromanaging in the categories and it will not be as simple.
  3. We make the non-A ending categories PC ONLY and make it so that anyone wanting to run them has to use a shared save file to be downloaded from the Resources page. This way we all start on fair ground and there is the least amount of micromanaging. The problems with this are that anyone without a PC cannot take part in these categories (unless you can copy and share saves on PS4) and that it will not be as simple to just play the game, as it will require you to dump that save file in your Steam folders and such. I hope my musings help further the discussion. I have not yet started running this game but I want to and I want to see this community flourish and grow. ===Glory to Mankind===
О Alabaster_
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