Single Level Speedruns
4 years ago
Apulia, Italy

Please add the Level Leaderboard thanks.

HardVulcain нравится это

I won't, sorry. I have some issues with IL runs:

  • Most of the runs would either consist of taking a few steps then bonking into something to finish the level, or spamming moonjumps. Runs like these would not make a worthwhile watch imo.
  • How do you speedrun levels like Willowtree Herbalist or Parisian Ghetto? Why would you do an IL speedrun of Margot Carvier's Apartment?
Dragon_kaen нравится это

What about ILs for glitchless (or BTG)? Some of those could be interesting to watch I think. I know it would look weird to add them and not any% but I thought glitchless ILs could be fun to do. Just a thought though. (And I'm sure you probably thought of this when writing your response.)

cataliinaa и Alenex нравится это
Apulia, Italy

Add them but with specific rules, thanks.

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Уровень: Derelict Apartment Block
Уровень: The Breath Of Hades
Уровень: Derelict Apartment Block
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Опубликовано 4 years ago