Why is Reborn NG+ allowed with no timing for the first completion?
9 months ago

Powering through the game has entertainment value but why is there no timing on the first run to completion? With infinite time, can stat item boost a full team, get all the endgame spells and equipment and Ogre Blade abuse for optimal skillsets. That's fine but a timing price has to be paid.

Chrono Trigger has no NG+ only leaderboard, Chrono Cross times all 3 runs for all characters. Is there any precedent to not count the first run?

I think it's further unfitting that secretbunnyninja has two NG+ runs on the same leaderboard.

Given the time required, I can understand allowing at least 1 break of any length with no time penalty so long as the run is continued without using a splice or segment. As in, if you're streaming, keep the stream going.


It's common practice across most of RPG speedrunning that a NG+ run is effectively a no limits run from start to finish, often being so obscenely powerful that you blast through everything

I'd recommend you actually do the bare minimum of research before you start talking about categories and what they constitute as if you're in the know when you clearly haven't looked into it at all

Chrono trigger DOES in fact have a NG+ category that starts timing from gaining control of crono after he gets out of bed and ends as soon as you beat the final boss (which is incredibly quickly because you can access Lavos extremely quickly on a NG+ file) and takes a little over 6 minutes to complete

the WHOLE point of NG+ is that you go from start to finish as fast as possible with unlimited prep within what is available ingame.

As for the other thing, secretbunnyninja has two NG+ runs on the same leaderboard because this game's leaderboard is set up so that the story route you take is a variable on the leaderboard and don't overwrite, so if you run different story routes you will have multiple runs on the leaderboard.

I'm sorry, I looked at Chrono Trigger All Endings category that times the first run. The Chrono Trigger NG+ is for one battle where the runner is disadvantaged with 2 characters. Unlocks a famous special ending. Quite distinct from playing a full second run here.

Reborn's leadership board allows 3 separate NG+ categories based on whose opinion? Game on second run is the same. You already have all characters and all viable spells and equipment if you aren't timing the setup. Maybe one Chapter 2 + 3 combo is 10% faster, great, that's the optimal route.

A NG+ timing one route with no extra content is a silly category to begin with. I don't think it should exist and certainly not in 3 forms. A 3x playthrough of L, N and C that unlocks every character like Chrono Cross, that would time the initial run.

A Coda run from untimed setup? Okay. Have full Coda and separate 1, 2, 3, 4, okay.

Ogre Battle has its categories and timing issues that drove the most accomplished player away. He refuses to allow his new runs to be posted here. So the opinion on what is a category and what not is especially pertinent.

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