Episode 2 route
Episode 2 route
Обновлено 7 years ago от AyyyC

Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p0gxjzue2ofux0i/tftb%20ep%202%20route%20%28PC%29.txt?dl=0


[3] = The fastest dialogue option, 1 being the highest option and 4 being the lowest. [1,2,3] = All options separated by commas are of exact length.

[2]! = This dialogue will interrupt any dialogue already playing (unless it's a ...), so the longer you take to choose it the more time you will lose. It could also mean there is no dialogue playing when prompted with the choice. [3<1]! = Multiple dialogue options that are so close together, if your mouse is already over the second fastest option, it may be slower to choose the fastest option because of the time it would take to move your mouse. (This is where controllers are advantageous). The left-most option being the fastest. This of course will only apply to interruption type dialogues.

¤left = A gameplay interaction that isn't a dialogue choice, such as quick-time events, opening an item, etc. ¤lmb (right) = The location of an interaction when given multiple choices.

¤container = An object that requires interaction with only one available option, meaning clicking anywhere within the circle will perform the action. ¤use spork = An interaction with multiple available options that require a specific action to be made. look = upper choice talk = left choice use = lower choice Route:

¤lmb (right) |2|!
¤terminal |2|!
¤walk ¤strange cabinet ¤big yellow button ¤spam Q ¤walk ¤use lunch tray ¤pollux ¤use eye ¤lmb ¤E ¤left ¤down ¤E ¤down ¤lmb ¤walk ¤terminal |3|!


¤left ¤right ¤left ¤lmb ¤spam lmb ¤spam Q [Sasha, go help Rhys] (upper) ¤spam Q ¤spam Q |1<3|! ¤lmb ¤lmb x2

[Just thinking out loud] (lower) |1|

¤vasquez |3|!
¤shotgun autofire (right) ¤spam Q > E ¤hollowpoint (right) |1|

¤use radio ¤calendar ¤container |2|!
[Sellout] (upper) ¤buy any skin other than factory settings |2|! |1| |2|!

¤use panel ¤use safe ¤blacklight ¤use grenade ¤use paint can ¤walk ¤chair ¤chair ¤use board ¤container ¤money ¤use grenade ¤echo |2|! |1|! |3| ¤use giftbox |1,3|! [Be respectful] (lower) |2|! |3|! ¤corrosive, shock, fire ¤finch ¤right [Run] (lower) ¤lmb (left) ¤right ¤lmb ¤right ¤left ¤lmb x2 |3<1<2|! |1|

|3| |4|! |4|! ¤power lines ¤rmb ¤walk ¤power box x2 ¤walk ¤billboard ¤power box x2 ¤3rd power socket ¤walk ¤use dumpster x2 ¤spam Q ¤Q ¤power box |4|

|4| |2| |4| |1|

|4| |2| |2|! |3| |4| ¤console |1| ¤console |3| ¤walk ¤spam Q x2 |1|! ¤lmb x2 [Trust Fiona] (upper)

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