Debug Options
Обновлено 5 years ago от thepyrotechnic

If you attach cheatengine as a debugger (or any other debugger, I suspect), the game will enable a few debug options. At the main menu, you will be able to directly select a map to load. When in-game, press escape and you will find "LEVEL-KIT" and "DEVELOPER MENU". The "LEVEL-KIT" will give you a pre-defined loadout for the map, although it seems this is not defined for every level.

The "DEVELOPER MENU" is much more interesting. Navigate with the arrow keys or mouse, and select an option with the enter key. Here is a short description of each option, to the best of my knowledge: "Noclip" - Enables noclip "God-Mode" - Enables God-mode. You still take damage, but cannot die. You have infinite ammo and dart overlay. "Restart Map" - Almost immediately restarts at the last checkpoint "Screenshot" - Saves a PNG and a TGA, (Which seems to be all #010101) to the "Documents\Syndicate\ScreenShots" folder "Item Menu" - Allows you to select weapons. It appears that you can only select from weapons available in the current level "Debug Menu" - See the next section below "Menutriggers" - Teleport you between sections of the level WILL overwrite your checkpoint if a new one is triggered. "Controller Menu" - Adjust a few control-related settings; nothing new "Save Checkpoint" Saves a checkpoint exactly where you are standing. AI spawns appear to reset to the last "Real" checkpoint, although your position and ammo count are preserved "Adjustments" - Does not seem to do anything "Upgrades" - Allows you to give yourself ability points and dart apps (Useful if you load directly into a level and have no apps enabled). Also appears to have some multiplayer options "Store session data" - Nothing in singleplayer, though I suspect this has something to do with coop "COOP Weapon Selection" - Same as "Item Menu", but for coop "Level-Kit" - Same as "*LEVEL-KIT" menu option "Statistics" - Shows global stats. Note that starting a new save did not reset these "Weapon Statistics" - Shows global weapon stats. Note that starting a new save did not reset these "Win Level(COOP Only) - I assume this allows you to instantly beat a coop level

The Debug menu has many features, not all of which appear to be functioning to my knowledge. Here is a list of all of the functions that I think may be useful or were worth documenting. I denote them as X.Y, where X is the row and Y is the column, if you used the arrow keys starting at the top-left: "0.0: FPS Lite" - A detailed FPS monitor "0.1: FPS" - An even more detailed FPS monitor. Don"t turn both of these on at once or one of them will get stuck "2.0: ExpHUD" - Shows some gauges which may or may not be of interest to you in the bottom-right of the game "3.0, 3.1: SM[11] & SM[5]" - SM[11] is normal, SM[5] renders the game in a very strange way "0.4: Headlight" - Enables a light on your character "0.6: Test Gameplay" - Would be cool if they worked, but they seem broken "0.7: Reload Shaders" - Unloads the shaders I suppose, but doesn"t reload them, resulting in a black screen "0.12: Toggle Show HUD" - Toggles the HUD "1.2, 1.3: Wire On & Wire Off" - Toggles a full wireframe "8.1: Record Demo" - Crashes the game (For me at least) "17.1: Freezecam On & Off" - Same as No-clip except the camera returns to the player when you turn it off, instead of the player teleporting to the camera "5.5: LOD Settings" - This section allows you to control various settings related to LOD rendering "10.2, 10.3: ShowBound & HideBound" - Toggles display of some kind of object boundaries. May show some trigger points, although I am still testing this "5.7: Artist Wire" - Setting 1 shows a much less obtrusive wireframe than option "1.2: SHOW HUD". The wires are obstructed by objects (They do not show through everything). Setting 2 displays the same wireframe as setting 1 except the wires are unobstructed by objects.

That's all I have for now. If I didn't mention an option here it"s because it either did nothing (as far as I could tell) or because I didn't know what it did. Please let me know if you can add any information!

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