more category?
2 years ago

should we have no hit category?

Berlin, Germany

I guess it would be possible but first I want to see a no hit run before making a catagory for it

BbankK_48TH нравится это

I feel like a category like that is just overkill. Its just a harder version than Any%

BbankK_48TH нравится это
Berlin, Germany

Yeah there is already weaponless and that is the hard run, so the likelihood for that catagory is low.

BbankK_48TH нравится это

ok I agree that it's isn't a category yet. I try some 3 run yes that even far harder(farthest I ever go is level6). and now I think there is not going to be someone crazy enough to do weaponless no-hit. RIGHT? (pls don't. i worry to who ever try to lose ur mind like me)

thenoobthisis нравится это
Berlin, Germany

yeah that is what I would have expected, my problem is with levels like 12 where you don't get a gun and have to fight enemies with swords so getting hit is even more rng based.

BbankK_48TH нравится это
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