SMBW Top IL Runers
9 months ago
Israel here is the SMBW Top IL runers! in 3rd place we got GreatLizard469 from israel! (thats me ik) and in 2nd place we got SuperPatWorld from USA! and in 1st place the best il runer by 14.12.2023 is Speedln from israel! if you want to see your place look in the link! if you want to report something say it here: have a good day!

grnts, Liano98 и 2 другие нравится это

new board update 16.12.2023: a lot of places has been changed. superpatworld is now 2nd and alexishono is now 3rd speedln remain on the top. 2 new runers has been joined the board: Liano98 has joined and been placed in 5th place and CMS_BB8 has joined and been place in 22th. thats the only big changes that happends if you want to check the leaderboard go to the link above thats all for today.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 9 months ago

sorry to bother you, but you got my name wrong. you put liano89. its 98, not 89. can you please fix that?


Did right now.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 9 months ago
Florida, USA

Just wondering, does this include 100% runs or just any%?


Its include both any and 100

North Carolina, USA

It also includes things like secret exit if the levels have that


HUGE BOARD UPDATE 29/12/2023 New segment has been added! the each country segment tells you what country has the most wrs how much runers are from the country and who has the most wrs from that country. some countrys i think they are regions or something else so let me know. also normal board has been updated. have a good day!


why are Israeli people so good at this game? (I'm not racist)

Отредактировано пользователем автор 8 months ago
SpeedIn нравится это

Um we are not good in gaming its just beacuse me and speedln are cracked cuz in the normal board we are 1st and 2nd


you two would be great in a 2p run


Thanks mayb we wiil do a iw


you guys gotta meet in person then


Nah my parents wiil never let me

SpeedIn нравится это

maybe there's some sort of mod to play 2p online maybe?


Nah i dont think so


hey guys so if you have saw im less active in the smbw discord and its beacuse i want to take a break from the game and the smbw top runers is very not updated so im opening a form to be a mod for the board if you want to be you cant be for a week then stop updating it was fun im stiil staying here in the discord but just less active here and playing mk8d instead mayb one day i wiil be back

United States

You don't need mod to play 2p you just need to message each other in friend each other for Nintendo switch and play together when you both can

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