Route for 2 Shuffle Game (based on WR run)
Route for 2 Shuffle Game (based on WR run)
Обновлено 1 year ago от KalenNoreth

This route is based on zuki3's WR run, and is what I used to get my PB run. There is a lot of flexibility in how you answer negative event cards (Meteor, etc.), but there is much less flexibility in how you use your positive event cards (Be Fruitful, Dominion, etc.).

Shuffle One Positive Cards:

We want to get to (at least) two 30 and one 10 sheep card at the end of the first shuffle. All-Purpose Sheep can be used on either Multiply (if drawn early enough) or Be Fruitful.

  • Start with (1)
  • All-Purpose Sheep->Multiply (1, 3)
  • Multiply (1, 3, 3)
  • Be Fruitful (1, 3, 3, 3)
  • Dominion (10)

At this point, there are two possible paths, using Flourish + Golden Hooves or double Be Fruitful.

F + GH

  • Flourish (10, 3, 3, 3)
  • Golden Hooves (10, 10, 10, 10)
  • Dominion (30, 10)
  • Be Fruitful (30, 30, 10)
  • Be Fruitful (30, 30, 30, 10)


  • Be Fruitful (10, 10)
  • Be Fruitful (10, 10, 10)
  • Dominion (30)
  • Flourish (30, 10, 10, 10)
  • Golden Hooves (30, 30, 30, 30)

Shuffle One Negative Cards:

We have to get through every negative card on the first shuffle, and in doing so will end up with slightly fewer sheep than listed above. The main way we will accomplish this is by using Fill The Earth to burn 1 sheep cards as much as possible. Each card's mitigation is listed below.

Shephion - Sheep Dog/Planning Sheep

Crowding - Play with <=2 sheep out Slump - Play with 1 sheep out

Wolves - Play after Fill The Earth (if done before Multiply) or at the end of the round (downgrading one of your sheep before round 2) Lightning - Play after Fill The Earth (if done before Multiply) or at the end of the round (destroying one of your sheep before round 2)

Meteor - Play after Fill The Earth or Sheep Dog/Planning Sheep Storm - Play after Fill The Earth or Sheep Dog/Planning Sheep Falling Rock - Play after Fill The Earth or Sheep Dog/Planning Sheep Plague - Play when only 1 Fill The Earth sheep remains, or at the end of the round if you have a lone 10 sheep

Shuffle Two Positive Cards:

I assume we start with at least (30, 30, 10) because otherwise we need to reset the run as we won't quite have enough good cards to finish this shuffle. All-Purpose Sheep MUST be used as Dominion, as we need to play it 3 times but only have 2 copies.

  • Start with (30, 30, 10)
  • Be Fruitful (30, 30, 30, 10)
  • All-Purpose Sheep->Dominion (100)

Again, we can now go Flourish + Golden Hooves or double Be Fruitful for the next step.

F + GH

  • Flourish (100, 30, 30, 30)
  • Golden Hooves (100, 100, 100, 100)
  • Dominion (300, 100)
  • Be Fruitful (300, 300, 100)
  • Be Fruitful (300, 300, 300, 100)
  • Dominion (1000)


  • Be Fruitful (100, 100)
  • Be Fruitful (100, 100, 100)
  • Dominion (300)
  • Flourish (300, 100, 100, 100)
  • Golden Hooves (300, 300, 300, 300)
  • Dominion (1000)

Shuffle Two Negative Cards:

As we plan to win on this shuffle, RNG might spare us from having to deal with some or all of the negative cards. In general, though, the strategies are the same as in shuffle one. Fill The Earth (or Multiply) to generate cannon fodder, Sheep Dog/Planning Sheep as available, and playing Crowding/Slump when they will have no effect.

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