Avoiding and fixing the Crosshair Glitch
Avoiding and fixing the Crosshair Glitch
Обновлено 3 years ago от DrYoshiyahu


The Crosshair Glitch is a PC-exclusive glitch experienced in the V-Wing, Speeder, TIE Interceptor, and T-16 Skyhopper, where the crosshair fails to render. In particular, this is a problem for V-Wings because it prevents the player from using seeker cluster missiles—a core component of V-Wing gameplay.

The glitch seemingly has no impact on gameplay when using a Speeder, TIE Interceptor, or T-16 Skyhopper, other than the missing visuals. Notably, unlike the V-Wing, the Speeder's secondary weapon, the Tow Cable, can be used even when experiencing the Crosshair Glitch.

Thanks to the research of Shadowdevo, we have confirmed the cause of the glitch and therefore how to avoid it, as well as a means of fixing the glitch.

#Causing the Glitch

First of all, the glitch is caused by ending a level with a yellow 'homing' crosshair, either by completing the level, failing the level, getting a game over, or quitting it manually. It can also occur in slightly different ways by ending the level while the crosshair is fading between green and yellow or vice versa.

Ensuring that you end levels with green 'non-homing' crosshairs will ensure this glitch does not occur.

As a note, the glitch seemingly cannot occur in vehicles that can switch between this yellow crosshair and the regular green crosshair. This includes X-Wing, A-Wing, Y-Wing, Naboo Starfighter, and Millennium Falcon. For this reason, ending a level with the yellow crosshair is not a problem if the player intends to immediately enter a level using any of these vehicles.

#Fixing the Glitch

If the glitch does occur, the only known way to fix it, other than restarting the game, is to enter a level with one of the vehicles listed above, specifically vehicles that can shift between green and yellow crosshairs.

Restarting the level with a V-Wing, Speeder, TIE Interceptor, or Skyhopper will not fix it, nor will a Game Over, going to main menu, or even changing which file is being played.

#Technical Specifications

In terms of the technical reasons for this, the game stores a variable that determines the current state of the crosshair: whether it is green, yellow, fading between the two, or invisible. Since the V-Wing, Speeder, and TIE Interceptor are not programmed to be able to reset this value the same way that other vehicles can—since they cannot ordinarily change between green and yellow—entering a level while the crosshair is in the yellow state causes it to become stuck, and the only means of resetting it is to fly a vehicle that can do so.

The memory address of this variable is 00707AE0. The known states are as follows:

X-Wing with ion cannon: Green: 0001 Invisible (charging ion cannon): 0101

A-Wing with regular weapons: Green: 0002 Invisible (holding secondary weapon): 0102

A-Wing with homing weapons: Green: 0003 Fading to yellow: 0103 Yellow: 0203 Fading to green: 0303

Y-Wing: Green: 0004 Fading to yellow: 0104 Yellow: 0204 Fading to green: 0304

X-Wing; Naboo Starfighter; Millennium Falcon with regular weapons: Green: 0005 Invisible (holding secondary weapon): 0105

Speeder: Green: 0006

X-Wing; Naboo Starfighter; Millennium Falcon with homing weapons: Green: 0008 Fading to yellow: 0108 Yellow: 0208 Fading to green: 0308

V-Wing: Green: 0009

TIE Interceptor; T-16 Skyhopper: Green: 00FF

#Special Thanks

Again, thankyou to Shadowdevo for discovering the cause and solution of this glitch which has plagued Rogue Squadron speedrunning for years.

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