7 years ago
New Jersey, USA

We are finished! We are very pleased with how much cleaner and organized the board is now and we hope you all are as well!

Now, you'll notice I said we are (almost) done, by this I mean we are going to see about changing one thing. Right now, we have fps for PC under the filter. We wanted to make it another sub category but we wanted this to only appear under the PC section, as this sub category would not be needed for HD console or SD console. To our knowledge, there is no way to do this, so we are going to see if a site admin can work this out for us. If they cannot, we will either have to keep it this way or decide on another alternative, but we think this is sufficient to the moment.

Many runs were moved around several times in the process of these edits, so if you notice anything that is incorrect about any of your runs, please inform us so we can fix any issues! We hope that everybody is pleased with this new layout!

Отредактировано пользователем автор 7 years ago
SephJul, f1 и 15 другие нравится это
United States

f1, zenix, и Sleepwalker_92 нравится это
United States

What happened to Auddy's GC NG+ run?

Arizona, USA

Separating by HD and SD looks way better than I expected, good job!

Sleepwalker_92 и Carpenter нравится это

You all did an amazing job! It's all way less confusing for me now, thanks! :D

AndreaRovenski нравится это
Ontario, Canada

Thanks for your hard work guys!

AndreaRovenski и xtremelampshade нравится это
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Submission time limits rule removal

. On top of that, offtopic, clearly rude and/or jokey replies on the rules forum post have been deleted. This post will remain locked for a while until things calm down.


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