My run approval
3 years ago
Kent, England

Hi guys , quick question on why my run has been approving for over a week? Is there a issue with what was done? If so could you let me know please and i can correct this in the future!

Its the popular% playstation catagory!

Many thanks :D

United States

The runs can sometimes take a while to verify since all the mods here also moderate other games and these runs are in the 3 hour neighborhood in length so take a while to check properly. There's not necessarily anything wrong with your run, but if we do find a problem when we get to it, we will let you know. Sometimes it can take 2-3 weeks if we've got a lot going on in our personal lives (like, I'm a teacher and it's finals season right now, so that takes a good deal of my time).

Anyway, your run is next in the queue, so hopefully should get done in the next few days.

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