Weapon Info
Обновлено 2 years ago от Gerarge

Single Shot The default weapon, medium sized explosion and good points

Big Shot Large explosion radius, but points are low

3 Shot 3 bullet spread, medium explosion size, low points per explosion

5 Shot 5 bullet spread, medium explosion size, very low points per explosion

Jackhammer Bullet bounces straight up 5 times... lots of fun to use

Heatseeker If the bullet gets close to the opponents tank, it flies toward it

Tracer Fires a spread of 5 bullets that tell you how much to change your angle for the next turn

Pile Driver Small amount of damage, but explosions are directed down creating a hole

Dirt Mover Directional dirt removal based on the angle when fired

Crazy Ivan Proximity-based multi-warhead with unusual yet fun results

Spider Spider web effect that sprays the closest tank when it goes off

Sniper Rifle No explosion radius, large points, throws the tank nicely, deadly

Magic Wall Vertical wall will grow where the bullet lands

Dirt Slinger V-shape dirt effect based on location where bullet lands

Zapper Laser beam emits from bullet if it gets close to tank

Napalm Exploding liquid that covers and burns everything caught in its wake

Hail Storm Hundreds of bouncing ice pellets that flow along the ground

Ground Hog Ground weapon that tunnels through the dirt and explodes on other side

Worm Ground weapon that tunnels through dirt, but tries to dig upward

Homing Worm Same as worm, but stops when it passes under tank and rises upward

Skipper Skips a number of times before exploding

Chain Reaction Random explosions in the general area where the bullet landed

Pineapple Shell explodes when close to a tank, emitting a large number of tiny explosions

Firecracker Horizontal spread of explosions based on where the bullet lands

Homing Missile Stops horizontal speed when it passes over a tank

Dirtball Dirt forms where bullet lands

Tommy Gun A very satisfying automatic machine gun-style weapon

Mountain Mover Explosion removes dirt, but takes no points from tank

Scatter Shot 5 bullets spread upward where bullet lands

Cruiser Bullet 'cruises' along terrain for a few seconds before exploding

Jump Jets Tank will fly into the air based on angle and power (power divided by 4)

Mud Pie Huge amount of dirtball bullets thrown into the air

Pin Cushion Similar to Pineapple, but each resulting mini-bullet is a Zapper

Laser Battery Lasers target the area where bullet lands, and fire in a circle surrounding it

Cannon Ball Metal sphere bounces and rolls along ground, no explosion but lots of points awarded

Wacky Tank Randomly changes the angle and power of the tank that's hit

Digger Narrow tunnel is dug into ground based on the angle fired

Glue Bomb Covers ground with glue. It counteracts Bouncy Dirt, and stops cruiser-based weapons

Fission Bomb Multiple upwardly splitting warheads with huge area of effect & huge damage

Late Bloomer Similar to Ground Hog, but launches 5 bullets when it emerges from the ground

Fire Bolt Flying fireball that only burns for so long, so get it there quick for more damage

Color Bomb Emits a huge rainbow of bouncy bullets when it gets close to a tank

Potholes Great for ripping the terrain apart and trapping tanks in holes. Very large area of effect

Boomerang Cruiser weapon that comes back when it lands... so don't hit yourself

Popcorn Many little bullets that sputter across terrain causing damage, but no explosions

Sprinkler It's as easy to hit yourself with this weapon as it is to hit someone else

Well Digger Digs you out of 'any' amount of dirt that may be covering your tank

Bouncy Dirt Tiny pink balls of liquid rubber cover the ground, making the dirt reflect bullets

Super Tracer Spread of 10 tracer bullets that tell you how much to change your angle

Minigun Machine gun bullets with small explosions and decent damage

Laser A bullet that will go straight as an arrow out of the turret

Super Skipper Bullet that skips a large number of times before exploding

Crater Maker Once the biggest explosion in the game; still pretty good points though.

Big Dirtball The Dirtball's big brother

Super Zapper A super-charged version of the Zapper with more point and a much further reach

Cruball A cruising Dirtball

Mega Cruiser A Cruiser with a big explosion and lots of points

Roller Cruiser-based weapon that only rolls downhill

Heavy Roller A Roller with big explosion and big points

Flash Blast Explosion scorches ground and extracts points, but leaves dirt

Nuke Medium explosion size, but the hardest hitting weapon in the game

Mega Nuke Huge explosion size, but not quite as powerful as the Nuke

Pillow Fight Direct damage on impact, with exploding feathers for splash damage

Sink and Swim The enemy tank 'sinks' into a hole, as hail showers them from above

Hotfoot An underground weapon with timed detonation + upwardly multiplying warheads

Ambush Surround your opponent with cruisers

Beehive A swarming hive of bees that attacks if tank is too close

Blast Off More powerful than Jump Jets, and clears away terrain near you

Fire in the Hole Makes a big hole, fills it full of Napalm, then covers with dirt

Lob-o-Matic Missile that bombs the target when it gets close

Rainbow Dirt Covers a large area of terrain with a thin layer of dirt

Super Laser Straight laser shot, but burns through many layers of terrain (4x)

Ground Shocker Large spread of underground tunneling missiles

Bouncy Wall Builds a wall made of rubberized dirt

Lodestones Lots of magnetic bullets

Particle Bomb Explodes near tank, releasing burning shrapnel in all directions

Magic Forest Grows a forest of mini Magic Walls

Buckshot Burst of little bullets that spread out the further they travel

Quad Missile Four small missiles release at a distance, then home in

Carpet Bomb Difficult to miss at a distance, very powerful with line-of-sight

Flamethrower A huge spray of flaming napalm

Skimmer On impact, two bullets fly out horizontally and ricochet off terrain

Volcano Massive eruption that throws fire and debris everywhere

Pedestal Puts the tank up on a high pedestal

Fire Storm Multiple explosions with a sea of bouncing fireballs

Meteor Shower Calls down a rain of meteors from the sky

Roman Candle Six sparkling flares all fired in the same path

Flying Digger Digs into the ground where the missile lands

Comet Explodes on contact into six highly bouncy fragments

Sunburn Explodes near tank, fires laser beams that bounce off terrain

Riptide Sends out a horizontal wave of reflective missiles

Buzzsaw Chews up the terrain as it bounces along

Static Ball Bouncy object that 'shocks' any nearby tanks

Mystery Bombs Four randomly diving bullets, larger than average explosions

Flower Power Tunneling missile that spreads multicolored bouncing bombs

Turn and Burn Sets the fuse near your tank then rockets you to safety

Dome Protect A dome of dirt generates around your tank

Backfire A random tank teleporter with a twist

Old Faithful Extremely powerful version of the Hail Storm

Bouncy Bomb Big crater with lots of bouncy dirt, the perfect setup

Chaos Grenade Bouncing grenade that launches random weapons (powerful)

Tar Ball Creates a pitch black ball that traps tanks in hard-to-see terrain

Lightning Strike Bolts of lightning radiate in all directions, large area of effect

Acid Rain A cloud forms that rains bullets, will stop over opponents tanks

Porcupine Projectiles cut through any defense to hit fortified opponents

Power Grid Complex grid of electricity forms to shock tanks near the outer edge

Shadow Blast Causes damage and chars the ground pitch black

X-Ray Cannon Unstoppable spread of laser beams that cut through terrain

Bazooka Line-of-sight weapon with huge damage and explosion size

Lucky Shot Clears a path before launching, then fires heat-seeking missile

Shelter Creates a dome of bouncy dirt, then digs tunnel to fire from

Fire + Ice Highly volatile bouncing fire/ice combination

Anvil Drops from above, damaging tank and sinks it into the ground

Flare Three warheads trigger when bullet starts to drop

Super Flare More powerful version of Flare with five warheads

Fracture Creates unstable holes in ground, often putting tanks in a bad spot

Claymore Shrapnel explodes outward charring terrain, powerful with direct hit

Phantom Swarming unstoppable bullets surround tank in just about any spot

Earth Mover The very big brother to the Mountain Mover, huge dirt removal

Flak Generates an arc of flak that hovers in the direction you aim

Fireball Super DX-Ball's Fireball power-up makes a cross-over appearance

Flea Circus Lots of 'flea' bots hop around looking for a reason to explode

Super Star Flying star explodes into 3 pieces then orbits and fires at tank

Drillers Multiple warheads become homing missiles when underground

Gamma Blaster Magnetized gamma radiation particles fly through air and terrain

Gravity Well Colorful swirl of energy that causes all sorts of trouble

Hot Potato Keep it hopping... the more it bounces, the bigger the bang

Funnel Trap an enemy tank in a steep valley made of bouncy dirt

Crazy Wall It's a wall, it's a weapon, and it's a little bizarre

Burnt Popcorn Fiery Popcorn weapon that really heats things up

Fireworks Colorful pyrotechnic display that can pack a serious wallop

Super Nova Huge 'star' burst of bullets that travels through land and air

Great Wall Builds "The Mother of All Walls", from the bottom to the very top

Snowblower Cover your 'neighbor' in a thick layer of the fluffy stuff

Lava Cannon Burns through the terrain and starts fires along the way

Solar Flare Bullets rain down across the playfield, being underground is smart

10 Shot Typical 'shot' weapon that includes ten warheads

Stinger Massive 'V' of bullets that is very useful and very dangerous

Mega Reaction Nuclear enhanced Chain Reaction weapon, extremely powerful

Ant Farm Flying and digging warheads create 'ant hills' around enemy tank

Sonic Blast Massive shockwaves rip through both land and air

Rockslide Boulders tumble downhill, damaging and burying opponents

Lightning Rod Calls lightning down from on high

Star Dust Dust flies everywhere causing damage and confusing sensors

Water Balloons Launch a barrage of water-filled balloons... you'll love it!

Snowballs A barrage of snowballs bounce and roll downhill

Sledgehammer Vertical homing shot that packs a punch

Collide-o-scope Colorful, bouncing and homing chain of bullets

Neon Blast Bright flashes of light confuse and damage the opponent

Island Carves out a floating island from the terrain

Golden Bullet Thirty duds and one lucky golden bullet that you won't forget

Melt Down Creates a sinkhole in the ground and fills it with lava

Streamers Tons of streaming bullets that bounce everywhere

Mass Driver Summons an asteroid from orbit... head for cover!

Molten Plastic Covers the terrain with burning bouncy dirt

Spinner Colorful wheel of light that causes damage

Flying Discs Releases an armada of flying saucers that zap

Phaser Laser weapon that can't miss if you have a clear line-of-sight

Shredder Makes the terrain impossible to move across and causes damage

Aqua Bomb The fuse is lit, and someone is going to get drenched

Tunnel Creates a tunnel all the way across the screen

Lava Turns the terrain into molten lava and throws it into the air

Bouncy Ball Jumps around like a super ball, leaving bouncy dirt behind

Laser Strike CAUTION: Laser radiation - do not stare into beam(s)

Whiplash The bullets take a second shot if they missed the first time

Fuzz Ball Bouncing energy ball that sheds magnetic 'fuzz' bombs

Burning Rubber Flaming molten rubber that coats the terrain

Side Kick Bullets fire from the sides of the playfield

Blockade Encase enemy tank in a hollow shell

Stun Gun Two bullets are launched, spreading out over time

Tornado Cruises along ground, damages terrain, and sends tanks flying

Thor's Hammer Lightning strikes tank from flying hammer

Stampede "Herd" of cruisers cover the ground, bouncing tanks around

Hot Coals Black char bursts into flames and bouncing hot coals

Fizz Bombs Caustic smoke is released from bombs that fizz and pop about

Graviton Bullets attack tank, pounding it in 'all' directions... my favorite!

Shield Bouncy arc forms over your tank, leaving room to fire

Firefly Looks like a calm summer night, and about as dangerous

Glue Storm Coats the entire terrain with glue

Glue Gun Fires burning glue when bullet nears enemy tank

Run 'n' Gun Bullet bounces and rapid fires directly at enemy tank

Scorcher Massive fire ball flies through air and covers ground

Saucer Attack Call down two flying saucers on the enemy tank

Tractor Beam Drags tanks out from far underground and into the sky

Smoke Bomb Releases caustic smoke and messes with controls

Nanobots A high tech 'cube' bursts into a swarm of robots with lasers

Phase Missile Missile phases through dirt and orbits tank for bonus damage

Gyro Glue Swirling and burning glue with a large area of effect

Warp Gate Wormhole + explosive objects from the 8th dimension appear

Tesla Coil Turns the enemy tank into the center of an epic lightning event

Magic Beans Colorful seeds that explode and sprout walls

Grab Bag There's no telling what will happen when it hits

Railgun Disintegration ray that also cuts through terrain

Sand Storm Dust cloud forms and buries an area in sand

Lemon This weapon is a 'lemon'. Hope you don't get it!

Acid Bombs Corrosive acid that eats through all types of terrain

Chroma Blaster Colorful spectrum of bouncy missiles

Cauldron Underground weapon that stop under tank and boils it in oil

Zipper Zig zagging weapon that is one part skill and two parts luck

Bubble Wrap The ultimate sphere of protection from both land and air

Chalk Dust Calcium bicarbonate has never been so much fun

Mower Cuts terrain and any nearby tanks down to size

Trailblazer Leaves behind a dazzling and dangerous trail of particles

Bulldozer Clears a layer of dirt from the entire screen

Lead Balloon Doesn't fly very far at 'any' power, but very explosive

Dive Bomb Warhead does a bombing run on the other tank

Toaster Lightly toasts a rather large area of the terrain

Time Bomb Bouncing bomb that counts down from 10 to 1 then explodes

Burn Barrel Can of gas that bounces, burns, rolls and explodes

Char Large spray of red particles burn the terrain

Pop Rocket Underground rocket that launches tanks into the air

Sky Strike Tank becomes flying target practice for homing missiles

Power Washer Powerful stream of water targets your opponent

Cheap Shot Teleports a bomb directly on top of the other tank

Blackout Neigh invisible bullet that shrouds area with darkness

Space Laser Powerful orbiting satellite fires at targeting beacon

Bunker Buster Unstoppable missile that literally cuts through any defense

Bushwhack Ordinary shrubbery + ACME plant food = danger

Repeater Fireworks effect with a bit of a kick

Puddle Jumper Splashes trouble everywhere it lands

Elevator Lifts your tank above ground and onto a hovering platform

Breakout Digs huge tunnel and jettisons your tank before dirt collapses

Orbiter Laser lightshow that orbits and attacks

Bouncy Tunnel Creates a long tunnel with bouncy walls

Barrage Launches salvo of missiles that home-in on target

Fire Hose Make the other tank "drink from the fire hose!"

Bumpers Builds huge bouncy walls that cover the sides of the screen

Web Emits a spectacular tangle of webs to trip up your opponent

Blowtorch At close range, sweeps the area with burning flames

Mudslide Erupts from the ground with a shower of dirt

Party Popper Super-sized party favor with exploding confetti and streamers

Torpedo Turns land into water as it flies through it, highly explosive

Dazzler Colorful blasts and vivid effects that daze and confuse

Trick Shot Bouncing and homing mini sniper bullet

Glue Stick Creates a wall out of burning hot glue, with splash damage

Bubble Blast Trapped in a bubble, tanks float in a sea of suds

Spectra Laser Prism that fires a rainbow spectrum of lasers

Leap Frog Tank hops around blasting enemy tank with laser beams

Cluster Bombs Bombs burst into tons of miniature homing rockets

Showdown Lifts both tanks to the top of the screen, eye to eye

Corkscrew Creates a jagged pit with bouncy walls

Booster Rocket Powerful rocket launches your tank through the air

Hedge Vines grow sideways on impact, blocking the sky

Quicksand Destabilizes the terrain, allowing tanks to sink in

Laser Tracer Tracer for weapons that are unaffected by gravity

Shock Wave Electrifies ground, zapping and bouncing tanks around

Gummy Worms Burst up through ground, creating bouncy glue worms

Jump Rope Two streams of bouncy bullets unroll from warhead

Super Funnel Missile drops from on high, building a funnel around tank

Bunker Builds bouncy dome, then tunnels the tank underground

Ice Crush Supercooled terrain turns into a huge dry ice bomb

Liquid Nitrogen Liquified gas skitters about and freezes tanks before boiling off

Flash Freeze Ice crystals burst forth then shatter into millions of pieces

Avalanche Boulders made of snow knock tanks downhill

Snow Drift Soft fluffy snow blows in the wind and sticks to tanks

Bonfire Roast 'em like a marshmallow

Eruption Pillars of fire blast tanks into the air

Blaze Slashes of fire burn holes in terrain and tanks

Heat Lamp Keeps opponent toasty like your favorite fries

Zinger The most tenacious weapon ever created

Space Cannon Calls down an epic laser beam from outer space

Pulsar Bouncy bullet that emits magnetic particle bursts

Scrambler Bolts of blue energy chase & sizzle tanks

Laser Grenade Laser light show with opponent at center stage

Gyrobots Swarm of robotic warheads follow the leader

Badger Rapidly digs holes and throws dirt everywhere

Pot o' Gold No leprechaun at the end of this rainbow

Crackdown Jagged blasts underground erode the dirt above

Glacier ACME instant ice age in a can

Paddle Ball Red bouncy ball tethers itself to other tank

Tidal Wave Surfs up, I hope you brought your boogie board

Pounder Heavy bullets pound deep into the ground

Frostbite Forest of ice crystals freeze tanks to the ground

Explode-a-Tron From launch to impact, this thing explodes

Excavator Digs a wide trench into the terrain, plus damage

Plasma Orb Zap 'em and trap 'em! A colorful attack with the wrath of Tesla.

Bubble Gun An epic bubble blowing toy that has gone to the wild side.

Star Cruiser Races along the ground, filling the heavens with stars.

Lock Box Send the tank flying and lock it in a tiny bouncy box.

Carbon Crawler Twisting pillars of burnt carbon trap and ensnare.

Energy Spike Creeping, crawling weapon that will reach out and shock you!

Laser Net Your supermarket scanner never did this, don't look right at it!

Tachyon Beam An unexpected, unstoppable onslaught of exotic particles.

Fire Wall A super heated wall of flames burns down to a pile of ash.

Freeze Ray Every mad genius has one, now you can add it to your arsenal.

Buzzbots A remotely-controlled swarm of relentless nanites.

Wildfire Goodness gracious, whirling balls of fire!

Robotic Worm A mechanized military grade worm, with lasers - OW!

Hot Spring Deep from the terrain come pumping geysers of boiling hot water.

Mirror Ball Get down tonight with this bouncing ball of destruction.

Twist Rockets A trio of warheads bumble their way towards victory.

Black Forest Dark and spooky woods complicate your opponent's shot.

Rubber Paint This paint is made for bouncing and that's just what it'll do.

Yo-yo Just. Don't. Miss.

Cavern Builds a winding tunnel directly between both tanks.

Toy Hammer Bouncy dirt and explosive toys burst from this fun hammer weapon.

Glitter Gun Fire a fabulous frenzy of shining glitter dust to bury your foe.

Beach Ball Bring the beach to the battlefield with blasts of scattered sand.

Bounce House There is plenty of room to move around in this bouncy fort.

Lollipop Hit the tank and turn it into a life-sized lollipop tree.

Cyclone A whirling wind to whip and toss your enemy out of whack.

Slingshot Back pocket weapon shoots a spray of bullets with a nasty recoil.

Hot Seat If you can't take the heat, get out of the hot seat.

Rapids A wave of water to wash away the tank and terrain.

Slammer Beat your enemy into the ground so they can't return fire.

Blender Will this industrial sized super shredder blend a tank? Yes.

Robot Blimps Send a fleet of retro robotic blimps to assault your enemy.

Slime Ball This mixture of acid and slime splits, bounces, sizzles & sticks.

Paintball Gun Shoot a barrage of colorful dirt bullets to splatter your foe.

Whirlwind Windy vortex that chases the enemy and delivers tanks via airmail.

Phoenix Your enemy won't rise from the ashes with THIS firebird.

Sneak Attack This unstoppable ninja of a weapon sneaks up on unsuspecting tanks.

Pipeline A directed deluge of acidic waste siphoned from deep underground.

Magnet An electromagnetic bomb that, when activated, pulls both tanks in.

Super Magnet A dangerous upgrade to Magnet that pulls both tanks from the start.

Quantum Cube Hyperspatial calculations summon high energy particles with a mind of their own.

Missile Turret Automated anti-tank missile weapon bombards your foe.

Ion Cannon Crust busting space weapon damages the tank while digging deep.

Backtrack Hit your foe and back away to avoid retaliation.

Oil Slick Throw a barrel of oil and a lit match, then watch the field burn.

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Опубликовано 2 years ago
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