3 years ago
Saint Lucia

Hey, I've been watching some Paranormica speedruns, I wonder what Sqeedys thinks when he's faking WR's?

I've been watching all the speedruns from Sqeedys (Speedy) after I watched his "World Record", so all of his World Records MUST be removed from the Leaderboard, all of them was clear guessing. According to this game's speedrunning rules you have to find and get all the evidences and put them in journal, but instead as I will call him Slowly puts random things in journal. After I saw Ranch Duo run which was considered as Solo for some reason I was so mad, that decided to report all of the stuff to Paranormica Discord staff that were holding the speedrunning category or whatever we can call it. The Moderator (hatemails) really wants to talk about it, especially I do, because this need to be solved.

Also hatemails said that ALL stuff posted on this speedrunning Leaderboard is UNOFFICIAL. (I have a screenshot)

Edit: You can contact with me in Discord. (Venom#1515)

Отредактировано пользователем автор 3 years ago
Manitoba, Canada

They're not fake. As he said, if there isn't something, then that ghost gets knocked out. But, I DID however say in the 'journal'.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 3 years ago
Saint Lucia

ItsScy, I am very sorry for arguing about this, but these runs really MUST be removed. Actually, it doesn't matter if you remove them or not, they all will be unofficial as I said in previous post.

I really have to talk about the situation with Speedy, hatemails wants too.

I'd recommend closing this game's speedrunning on or give the permissions to Paranormica Discord staff.

Saint Lucia

Also I hate how you guys like guessing if it's Ghoul or Demon.

You don't check all the rooms for orb and still say that there's no orb, but what if there is?

If there's no orb, that can't be used as evidence to prove it's Demon or Ghoul, and then you guys try getting Freezing Temperature. ~8 celcius is just low temperature, it's not freezing one, below 4 is.

And if you get Freezing Temperature you guys just run and exit. Having FREEZING TEMPERATURE as the only evidence. That's weird and dumb.

Manitoba, Canada

Venom, you were right. I did say that you need to 'find' all three pieces of evidence. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, it's just I don't have much time to do a lot, because of school, work, my PC being gone because of my house fire. Please let me know if any other runs should be taken down.

tuntly, from.. tuntly ?


@venomisacutie try speedrunning diff 5, you'll understand what we're talking about. (in diff 5 tools like spirit box, birdcage, spirit book and sometimes emf doesn't work, idk why? probably a glitch :/) And also I quit speedrunning this game because this speedrun is still not official and has more room for improvement, especially how people still think that @Sqeedys and I are guessing even thou it's just a simple process of elimination strategy.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 3 years ago

@venomisacutie like legit, try speedrunning diff 5 and give us your thoughts after.

My Paranormica Speedrun got declined for a very idiotic reason that isn't even in the rules.

Speedys decided to reject my speedrun because I didn't show the part where I clicked ready, and start.

This is never developed in the rules of the speedrun page, and If it werent for the neglecting act of rushed rules, this would never have happened. I cannot resubmit a run because my duo partner no longer is in contact with me. And I won't be able to do it solo due to lack of motivation by my past speedrun getting rejected.

In the end, do what you will with this forum post. All I am asking for is a response to this extremely troglodytic act of fallacy.

Also, why is Speedy no longer a moderator for the Paranormica speedrun Page?



Hey, don't blame me. My run got rejected because I didn't record the start of it also. ItsScy was quite busy so he allowed me to be a verifier. After some of my runs not being verified cause I apparently "guessed" I was no longer a verifier.

Kinda weird, sure my run doesn't count it was a bad run, why do I lose my verifier rank.

Also, I asked ItsScy to add it to the rules and he didn't do it so...

Отредактировано пользователем автор 3 years ago

So it was ItsScy's fault?

I won't do anything malicious, I just wanted to know.

Thank you Speedys.


Eh, I wouldn't say "fault". But no problem. Also why is your name really familiar? Sorry about that.

You might know me from somewhere, but I sure don't know you, sorry.

And its all good.

Manitoba, Canada

Okay, how about I give all of you guys verifier? Prove to me that it's so 'easy' to do all of this yourself, please use SPRT as a recommended retimer.

Manitoba, Canada

All of you please enable email-authentication, if I think you're good enough, I'll promote you to Mod. If you don't seem good, I'll keep you as a verifier until you have not showed any effort. Deal?

Manitoba, Canada

But please, don't rush me. Thanks. :)

On duos is vc allowed?



Yes, there are no rules against vc's.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 3 years ago
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