How Mighty Gunvolt Burst Ranking System Works
How Mighty Gunvolt Burst Ranking System Works
Обновлено 3 years ago от Travell_Sylvester

-When you beat a stage, the game judge your performance with a D, C, B, A, or the alluring “S” rank along with a total score that varies on the stage and to calculate it; the game uses four prerequisites: Stage Score, Clear Bonus, Extra Bonus, and Penalty.

Stage Score -Stage Score consist of your Stage Score and Clear Time with it affecting your Extra Bonus; so I will address it later. Max Burst Combo tallies the longest amount “Burst” you performed in a stage, which is performed by consistently killing enemies and bosses up close and resets by not killing them up close. Plus enemies and bosses give you a different base amount of points if you kill them with a burst or not with enemies like Robosec gives you 200 points each from not killing them up close, while bosses like Dynatron gives you 1600 points each from not killing them up close. Burst points is calculated by a hidden multiplier discovered by Crimson Smasher from Twitter. Here is a spreadsheet for details on the multiplier along with the amounts of base points each enemy and boss gives you ( By the end of the stage, the game will tally your non-burst points burst points into a Stage Score.

Clear Bonus -Clear Bonus basically rewards you with more points for starting a stage with less Max Equip Cost Points (or CP for short) on a custom slot, which can go up to a grand total of 16,000 in Normal Mode or 21,000 in Hard Mode do to the 5,000 point Difficulty Bonus.

Extra Bonus -Extra Bonus consist of a Sprinter Bonus, No Damage Bonus, and a Remaining Food Items Bonus. If you beat a stage with a fast enough Clear Time, you get a 3000 point Sprinter Bonus. No Damage Bonus is pretty self-explanatory and if you meet that prerequisite, you get an extra 3000 points. Remaining Food Items Bonus rewards you with more points for not eating any food items you collect during a stage and each one gives you a different amount of points:

800 Points: Hamburger, Meat, Pizza 500 Points: Melon, Watermelon 300 Points: Apple, Bananas, Grapes, Peach 250 Points: Candy, Ice Cream, Lollipop, Short Cake 150 Points: Cherries, Orange, Strawberry

Penalty -Penalty is the only prerequisite that can lower your ranking and only consist of your Retry Count, which deducts your total score by 300 points every time you die or use a retry.

Summary -So if you’re planning on doing a true 100% speedrun, I suggest getting “S” ranks on your first stage visits where you will have less CP and get a higher Clear Bonus then just run through the stages on the revisits. If you want more info about getting "S" rank, check out the spreadsheet from CrimsonSmasher:

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