All Achievements- Does a Pre-Existing World count as a set seed? | Do you have to get passing time?
Texas, USA

Hi! I was planning to speedrun achievements for this game as part of a charity stream and I was curious about two things.

  1. Can you use a Pre Existing World for running in "set seed" category or does it have to be a fresh world?

  2. Do you have to obtain the Passing Time achievement to count for all achievements? (If not, all achievements in a way would be optimized minimally to ~33 hours)

Dominican Republic
  1. Fresh world

  2. You have to do it, you can do it faster by sleeping

thomavila, EmeraldTheFurball, и Khalooody нравится это

Cyranny when are your charity livestreams?


also there was an update to the rules I'm pretty sure you no longer need to do passing the time

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