How do you practice?
3 years ago
South Africa

I started speedrunning just over a week ago. To be honest, it's less 'speed running' and more 'playing minecraft with a goal'. But I've been practicing Any% RSG and I'm almost happy with my first overworld section. I get to the nether relatively quickly (before first night), but the nether is almost always bad. How do I now get to practice the nether parts. Will it help to practice on a set seed? And then beyond that, The End?

He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

There is almost nothing you can do about the nether the nether update has changed the nether completely making nether fortress' really rare the best you can do is go north and south 50 blocks then turn west or east (that's just what I do) and don't practice on set seed a random seed could be really different from the set seed and practice the end for defeating the ender dragon first try that's just the only reason you should practice the end

YUMmy_Bacon5 и Gaming_64 нравится это
South Africa

Thank you! I know it could be way different, but I was thinking 'set seed' just to get used to the plan in the nether. Like bartering for the pearls and getting the rods. Getting that plan smooth.

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