Nether Decision Making
3 years ago
Cedar Park, TX, USA

Beginner runner here looking for more information on the 1.16.1 run. Once you get into the nether, you're hoping for a good fortress/bastion spawn near you. At what point do you call a reset when you just can't find anything in the nether? My biggest hurdle at the moment is getting past the nether to the stronghold and it comes down to Nether decision making i feel like.

Other questions include:

  • What biomes are we looking for that could generate a fortress/nether and which ones don't?
  • What is the decision making required to find the next area of interest after you found your bastion or fortress?
  • What are some ways to traverse around really difficult and vertical areas of the nether?

I can re-word any questions if they're too vague. Thanks!


Fortresses and bastions can spawn in any biome (with the exception of bastions not being able to spawn in basalt deltas You can use quadrants to know where not to look to find a structure (look it up to find out exactly how it works) Also to fund bastions you can use a strat called e ray where basically u put your fov as low as possible, press F3 and look around until the entire counter becomes a high number. When you find that spot go in that direction. About the traversing part just get better at parkour and boat clucthing and use boats so you don't take any fall dmg idk what else to tell you

Chad_Thorsen нравится это

Made a couple typos but whatever

South Carolina, USA

I've got the same problem. I can do a bastion at around 8 minutes (which is good for me) and then it literally takes 25-30 minutes of me running around in the nether for a fortress before I die from food shortage. It's pretty annoying.

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