How to arrange the books in the shortest time
How to arrange the books in the shortest time
Обновлено 1 year ago от Nightmare_RO

When arranging the books, you need to put them in alphabetical order, which goes like this, from left to right:

  1. Beefs Up (Turqoise);
  2. Furry Tales (Green);
  3. Garfield Gets Cookin' (Red);
  4. How to Draw Garfield (Violet);
  5. Insults, Put-Downs & Slams (Blue);
  6. Never Accept a Gift with Air Holes (Orange);
  7. Party Now. Age Later (Yellow);
  8. Stupid Cupid (Brown).

In a normal run you would click on each of the books in this order, but in a speedrun you have to and can do it faster, because you DON'T have to click on all of the books.

At first, analize the order of the books (which is random). Look at the 'Beefs Up' book, then check if the 'Furry Tales' book is either to the right or to the left of the 'Beefs Up' book. If it is to the left, click on the 'Furry Tales' book, then on the 'Garfield Gets Cookin'' one, and so on, until the 'Stupid Cupid' book. If it is to the right, don't click on any book and continue analizing: if the 'Garfield Gets Cooking'' book is to the left of the 'Furry Tales' book, click on it and on the following books in alphabetical order; if it is to the right, again, continue analizing.

This process may continue to the 'How to Draw Garfield' book, or even further.

How fast you are done depends of the randomized order of the books. You are guaranteed to click 7 times at most.

Here's the probability of each book order:

-Having only 1 book in order: 1 in 2 -Having 2 or more books in order: 1 in 2 -Having 3 or more books in order: 1 in 6 -Having 4 or more books in order: 1 in 24 -Having 5 or more books in order: 1 in 120 -Having 6 or more books in order: 1 in 720 -Having 7 or more books in order: 1 in 5739.93 -Having 8 books in order (perfect order): 1 in 40318.54

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