Category Changes
4 years ago
Berlin, Germany

With the current 100% categories, there is a bit of an ambiguity, as the ingame percentage tracker only includes everything shown on the pause screen. So buying health and mana upgrades as well as collecting bottles is not necessary to reach a 100% completion when it comes to the game's own programming.

I therefore have two proposals for the moderators:

  1. Change the ruleset of the 100% category to "finish the game with a 100% game file, game file must be shown at the end of the run". That would mean that al current runs are rather obsolete, because they are way longer than they need to be, but future runs will be much more enjoyable, because there is no money grind.

  2. Rename the current 100% category to "True 100%" or something like that and create a new category "100%" or "Ingame 100%". That way the already existing runs have their own category and completionists can still run that, but there will be no confusion because of the 100% game file that would not be enough for the current category.

What do you guys 'n' girls think?

Lorraine, France

It's done because it's a good idea.

Modifications :

New category named "IG100%" (need see 100% after the end of the run in the selection menu) Rename category "100%" to "Real100%" (need buy all upgrades, all fill of health, take all collectibles,etc...)

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