7 years ago

what do i need to do to get banned for like a week or so? i need ansers...

United States

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New Jersey, USA

The most logical course of action would be to, first, think of the absolute worst thing you could do. Think of something really nasty and meaty that would get you banned for life and make everyone despise you. The average lifespan of a human is 71 years. You're likely between 15 and 30, so we'll say that you have around 51 years worth of HP left in your gauge. Now, divide your meaty and nasty act by 51. You'll end up with 51 relatively nasty acts that will get you banned for a year, each. Divide each of those dirty, rotten acts by 52, and you'll have 52 somewhat annoying and unsavory acts that will get you banned for a week, each. Use them sparingly, as using too many too fast will result in a compounded ban.


Be cool.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 7 years ago
OmegaFallon, AquaBlake и 2 другие нравится это

Thanks for the info hahahaha

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