Unintended game listings categorized under the original Xbox platform (i.e., ROBLOX)
3 years ago
Alberta, Canada

In Dec. 2020 I presented a fairly minor error in accuracy to a community for a ROBLOX game, being that their game was listed as being playable on the original Xbox, a console discontinued circa 2005. They politely fixed this issue accordingly, and it seemed Xbox One was the intended platform. However there are still a fair amount of games on SRC listed under the original Xbox platform that were not intended for it. As mentioned before, a fairly minor error in accuracy, but one I thought I'd bring it up.


That's up to the game moderators to choose the correct platforms for the games they moderate; or fix those platforms in case of a mistake. This is not an issue with the site itself.

For example, if I take one of the web games I moderate and mark PS1, Xbox 360, Stadia and Atari as playable platforms - the fault is entirely on me.

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