Petition for Elo​.​io to openly listen to speedrun​.​com's feedback thread and pay attention to the community's wants.
3 years ago
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago
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None_of_wiz, xenkaroshi и 8 другие нравится это
French Southern Territories

Yay i signed

MinecraftGaming и Kai. нравится это

I don't see how you will get them to pay any attention to a petition that's asking them to pay attention to their own website.

EmeraldAly, Ivory и 6 другие нравится это
French Southern Territories

I signed the petition

it forced me to sign a bunch of random petitions before I could sign it but I did

Bob-chicken и Kai. нравится это
French Southern Territories

It didn’t make me do that hmm

MinecraftGaming, Pear, и Kai. нравится это


Bob-chicken и Kai. нравится это
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

@6oliath fair, we did get a mini-update tho (Not part of elo staff btw, just pointed it out becuase it was cool that people outside of src are helping)

full context

Отредактировано пользователем автор 3 years ago
O.D.W. и Bob-chicken нравится это

I can't see the image

Ivory, O.D.W. и 3 другие нравится это
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago
Pear, O.D.W. и 2 другие нравится это
United Kingdom

Ah yes, petitions...the one thing that ALWAYS works.

KL_wadu, Brakshow и 4 другие нравится это
North Carolina, USA

Petitions are useless and never work!

Brakshow нравится это

If y'all wouldn't mind me being an Elo apologist for just a moment I believe the issue is just a misunderstanding between how Elo wants to go about making changes and what the community precisely wants.

Since they're the new owners, they want to be accepted and be seen as caring and already doing things around the site. That's why one of the first things they have done is redesigning the logo and the main page of the site. Everyone can immediately see that things have changed and that Elo is doing work. And it seems they'll keep going this way for a bit, focusing on bigger changes instead of fixing bugs. They'd rather work for a long time adding new widgets and customizations to user profiles, and adding more moderation tools before fixing the notification and submittion bugs which way less users would notice.

So all in all I wouldn't say that they aren't listening at all, they are aware of the majority of the issues raised by the users but they simply have different priorities. They'd rather make visible surface-level additions to the site to signal that they are working on improving things, rather than fixing the more in-depth obscure issues that the more experienced users are calling their attention to.

Of course all of that still isn't necessarily a valid excuse, but I just wanted to share (what I'd imagine to be) the other side of the issue.

I myself am just happy that things are happening.

Shiinyu, Kai. и 6 другие нравится это
European Union

[QUOTE=terter] and adding more moderation tools before fixing the notification and submittion bugs which way less users would notice. [/QUOTE] Except they aren't. Kappa

RaggedDan, Kai. и 4 другие нравится это
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

Update: Fair enough

Отредактировано пользователем автор 3 years ago
Shiinyu, Merl_, и Quivico нравится это

Ah yes, the feedback form and forum that continually get ignored. Grand suggestion.

Brakshow, Kai., и Merl_ нравится это

If I'm going to be honest, trying to personally get lewisandspark to look at the feedback form definitely wasn't an appropriate thing to do.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 3 years ago
bleg, Brakshow и 6 другие нравится это
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

I agree, it was kinda shit to do

Shiinyu нравится это
French Southern Territories

the petition worked Kappa

MrMonsh, Ivory, и Kai. нравится это