Might as well introduce myself :)
4 years ago

Hey so my name is Fraser, 27 & I come from Scotland,UK. My hobbies include airsoft, working out & game collecting. Somewhat getting bored with playing games regularly and i have been interested in the Speedrunning community for a wee bit now.

I did a quick speedrun yesterday but I doubt I will be playing that game again as it keeps crashing after 4/5 restarts. :)

Anyway, hello folks

Welcome! Good luck on your runs, hopefully you'll find a game that doesn't crash so much. 😄


Here's hoping I do :) half the battle is finding a decent game I suppose

Laika_the_Spacedog нравится это
Kentucky, USA

You actually seem to be one of the older speedrunners here, most seem to be around 15-23. It looks like you've already ran a game and even donated to the site! Airsoft is really fun. Nevertheless, welcome to the site and I hope you join your time here.