Howdy from the land down under
3 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Hi all, I am quite new to speed running, i have been playing around on mario for a while, but i have never submitted any runs ect.. I am in my mid 30's so i grew up on SNES and love retro gaming, and platformers. I am currently focusing on level times for new super mario bros u... I am finally starting to get some times that are worthy of submission.

Question: As i am new to speed running, i am not yet set up for recording... Is a video of the tv (screen) and me playing enough to submit a run? Video will have to be recorded externally on a handycam... its all i have atm...

Any help would be highly appreciated..

Happy Gaming.


LohanKain нравится это

Hello and welcome to the site!

Regarding your question about the method of recording, I've been able to find at least one instance of a run being recorded by hand and then verified on the leaderboard, so it's highly likely you can do it too (provided the footage shows the screen clearly).

If you still have doubts about it though, it can never hurt to ask in the game's forums for confirmation.

Best of luck with your runs!

Отредактировано пользователем автор 3 years ago
markie_doodle нравится это
Victoria, Australia

Hi MrMonsh, Thanks for the warm welcome, The link you provided is perfect. It is exactly how i was planning on recording my runs until i am better set up.

Thank you.

Happy Gaming.

MrMonsh нравится это

nice to see a fellow aussie. welcome!!