Any% Guide
Обновлено 3 years ago от Vhoul

I'm going to make this guide pretty barebones. Most of what I do involves visual cues which are really hard to explain and honestly aren't necessary. I am mostly going to cover the basics, all the tricks, and I will explain some of the nuances and decision making that you need to do in a typical run.

The Basics:

  1. Drop outs - pause with a controller to be able to select drop out from the menu. You can run into issues if you drop out too soon at the start of a level. I usually wait until the first character appears before I start dropping out. If you do drop out too soon, your bro will not spawn. You can drop out again to fix this, but if the bro that didn't spawn was Bro Caesar, you're going to be kicking yourself.

  2. Minigun flight - Run, jump, and press melee then special. I use an xbox-style controller, so I bind melee to B and special to Y. (Good luck binding your controller by the way, yes the screen looks that way for everyone, and no there's nothing you can do about it) This allows me to easily roll my thumb to perform this glitch quite consistently. Pressing melee is required to activate the glitch, while special must be held throughout the glitch. Letting go of special will allow you to fall. It is best to activate the glitch in mid air for the greatest consistency, but it is not required. Be aware, starting from the ground will not immediately give you any height. Even though you can simply dig through mountains with this glitch, it is slower. Generally you want to activate minigun flight several times during flight to keep your bearings. You will also notice, that I try to touch the ground as soon as possible after activating minigun flight. This very well could just be a superstition, but I feel like I saves a small fraction of a second by doing this each level. I can't explain it.

The Tricks:

  1. Level 2 boosts Broney Ross - shoot the crate under the grey/red barrel. Jump over the barrel as it falls. Hope you don't die, maybe get boosted. Otherwise just shoot at the transport and hope it explodes at the right time for a tiny boost. Lee Broxmas - His knives are too OP, and therefore his boost abilities on this level were nerfed by the devs. Bronnar Jensen - After you jump over the barrel that Broney Ross can boost off of, fire you grenade launcher as you are falling. You want it to just barely go under the tower, bounce off the ground, and stick to the transport. Just keep running and you might get a clutch looking boost.

  2. Level 2-3 skip - drop out during the level 2 boss cutscene. Then press fire to spawn back in and die. Note: you need to grab the checkpoint for this trick to work. Not really sure why this trick works. Entering the cutscene causes your death to send you to the next level, but before you die you dropout which tells the game sets your spawn point to the checkpoint when you die. But since you're already set to go to the next level, it sets you to the checkpoint of the next level? Then when you spawn back in, you just happen to get spawned back in below the map and fall to your death which activates the trigger to spawn you in the next level's checkpoint. Which is just a total coincidence that the game accidentally kills you as fast as possible there. Most levels don't glitch out that bad. If you're curious, drop out before activating the cutscene to see where the game spawns you. Testing this on other levels usually spawns you back at the start, not 50 feet below it.

  3. Boss fast kill - If you've played Broforce, I think that game has the best clue towards how the fast kill works. There is a very similar boss but you can actually see the health bar. And if you position yourself just right, you can do a buttload of damage. It seems to be an overlapping hitbox. I have no idea. I can't even kill the boss consistently with Bro Caesar.

  4. Stonebanks fast kill - Fly above the rail car, hit the wall (don't tear through it). Fire up the minigun to break the wall and get inside just above the buzz saw. Stand on top of the buzzsaw. That's it.

Decision making: Unlike in low%, any% has more than one character. The fastest character for all levels except one is Bro Caesar. Unfortunately, you don't get to play as Bro Caesar for every level. Most levels, Bro Caesar saves so much time that it always makes sense to drop out until you get Bro Caesar. In other levels, it just isn't worth it. Keep in mind that you cycle through the bros quite regularly. Although it isn't a set sequence. The only known thing about the order of the bros is you CANNOT get the same bro twice in a row. I have about 200 hours in this game, and it has never happened to me. So... if you finish a level with Bro Caesar, you will not start the next level with him. Which loses a little time if you have to drop out to select him again. So here is a breakdown of the different levels and which bros you want to play as. **Please note that this is not definitive, dropping out as Bro Caesar for each level (except one), may actually be the fastest method. I don't believe it is.

Level 1 - Bro Caesar, never settle for any other Bro. Level 2 - Bronnar Jensen, Broney Ross, Lee Broxmas. Listed in order of speed. I usually take whichever Bro I happen to get. (Bero Caesar is the fastest, but I don't believe he is worth dropping out for) Level 3 - Bro Caesar saves 2 seconds over the other characters. Bronnar Jensen loses at least 2 seconds. Anyone else is acceptable. Level 4 - Bro Caesar, no exceptions. Level 5 - Bro Caesar, don't even think. Level 6 - Lee Broxmas or Broney Ross. Anyone else, drop out and try again. Level 7 - You can drop out for Bro Caesar, but anyone is fine. If you think you will start as Bro Caesar on the next level use someone else. Bro Caesar barely saves any time at all. You will save time by starting as him in the next level. Level 8 - Bro Caesar only. Level 9 - Bro Caesar, drop until you got. Level 10 - Bro Caesar, do it. Level 11 - Bro Caesar fan club, population you. Level 12 - Bro Caesar PERIOD


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