Would a POV demo be allowed?
3 years ago

So, i want to speedrun the Gun range- 64 tick- AK section, but there is a slight problem. If i record csgo with OBS, the recording seems to have a noticable delay betweem audio and video, and lags a bunch. This doesnt happen with anything else i record on OBS, so idk whats up. The only alternative i could think of was recording a POV (point of view) demo. So, i tested that out (not on the actual guns course, but on the trainings course a few minitues before the speedrun would take place). Turns out it can record pov demos, and i believe its even better than just obs recording. Let me explain.

While the net graph doesnt show, while watching the demo you can use the command net_graph 1 and it will show the legitimate net graph that would be shown on that stage. And its even better because it cant be doctored. While you could technically edited the net graph in a video (while pretty hard its still possible), with the POV demo you are sure you are given the legitimate statistics, and a full start to end non spliced recording.

For the peeps that might not know how to open one, you just take the demo, you put it into the csgo folder, and then in game your press Shift + F2 to open that folder. You load the POV, and you watch it.

I think its a pretty legitimate way of verifing runs. So, would sending a POV demo of the run as evidence count?

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