Explain this.
4 years ago
Gelderland, Netherlands

in the 750 point category, these are the rules:

'Earn 750 points with this gnome. Timer starts after gnome starts to fly and ends after his transformation into a statue. Everything is allowed, but not cheating.'

every speedrun in this category follows these rules, exept the world record. It says its 'retimed', but the time thats on the leaderboards is counted from when he hits 750 and not when he turns into a statue (Like it clearly says in the rules and everyone else has done). just look at this video in which the 'world record' is set: the guy even has the right time in the title.

Gelderland, Netherlands

oh yea and i forgot to mention: in every category it says: 'timer starts when the gnome starts to fly' but every time starts from when you click the screen or press spacebar to launch the catapult.


I apologize about that. No idea what my past self was thinking. That runs time is now fixed.

All runs that say retimed under them while being verified by me (apart from that one apparently) have been retimed using the exact frame the gnome is detached from the catapult. Any other runs (verified my dmitry) were verified under his own timing (which i don't know of).

afnannen136, Jaro024, и Otterstone_Gamer нравится это
Gelderland, Netherlands

alright thanks, but shouldnt the rules be changed from when the gnome is in the air, to when you click on the catapult to launch it. or are all the times on the leaderboard going to be retimed from when the gnome is in the air.

also, i submitted a run but it isnt verified. why is that? ok thx :)

United States

yeah i was wondering how i got wr by so much and i kinda just put off speaking up about it and forgot

Gaming_64 и Jaro024 нравится это
Gelderland, Netherlands

all right. now since the timing is from the exact frame the gnome is detached, all runs that use the other timing should be retimed. im willing to do that btw.

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