Welcome & Rules for Wacky Racers!
11 months ago
United Kingdom

Welcome wacky racers to our groovy leaderboard!

General conduct 😎

  • Don't be a dick!

  • Be respectful by calling people by their username!

  • Don't go all crazy & insecure, alright! No crazy over-reactions!

If you want a run validated in the medal positions (🥇1st, 🥈2nd or 🥉3rd) you must

  • on Sega Saturn Hardware please show video camera of the controller in your hand (or feet!) throughout the entire run!

  • on Sega Saturn Emulator please show your live controller inputs via a suitable program, camera or both throughout the entire run!

Controller inputs are very important for showing congruence between inputs & gameplay! Without these runs aren't credible! Keep it groovy on camera, alright. No crazy stuff! Whilst we don't have many runs on the leaderboard we're gonna use common sense here & allow slower runs in medal positions.

Legal Controllers 🎮

  • All officially recognised Sega Saturn controllers indicated on the game box: Sega Saturn Pad, Sega Saturn 3D Pad & Sega Saturn Wheel.

  • On Emulator all controllers that can be considered comparable to the original controller options are acceptable!

Ultra-high precision controller options not indicative of what Sega intended to be used, such as laser accurate computer mouses, are banned. No precision laser targeting systems! This ain't reaper drone simulator!

Before every run ⚠️

  • Please show the in-game options screen so we can confirm your settings!

Tool-assisted speedrun (TAS) 😡

  • All sneaky sneaky stuff is banned! If there's even the slightest hint of shady stuff it's not getting verified!

Game Modes 👀

  • Regular (Gear-Gacha isn't allowed. 294 Gear-Gacha start isn't allowed).

  • Gear-Gacha (Gear-Gacha is allowed. 294 Gear-Gacha start is allowed).

Gear-Gacha explanation:

294 Start explanation:

Gear-Gacha exceptions. If you accidentally gear-gacha & it provides no meaningful benefit, then common sense allows it to stand. For example hitting gear-gacha at 200kph & preventing yourself speeding up for 7 seconds is making things worse for you! Gear-Gacha on an empty straight for 1 second is irrelevant. YAY, love common sense!

Fairness 👌

  • Respect your competitors by playing by the rules!

Credibility 💯

  • Generally speaking if you want validation be open & transparent! Show off your awesome skills for everyone to see! Don't have question marks shrouding your runs!
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