Really rough NG+ notes by thots
Really rough NG+ notes by thots
Atualizado 2 years ago por thots

Instead of writing my dissertation I am writing duelists of the roses NG+ notes. I think that NG+ is a decent entry-level category. Much less to think about.

This assumes you're using my deck (it's probably in the video description of my PB). I don't run things like Dimensionhole or Slate Warrior, so I won't be covering those (don't think they're worth it in NG+). Please experiment with different setups. That's the fun of this category and this game in general, imo.

  • Lab-ruler Draw Leghul/Ooguchi: Move right, play L/O to your right. Leave face down, end turn. Flip up, check for second one in your hand, flip up, win. Draw lab breaker: Play it to your right, move it 2 forward and chase with leader. Move it 2 forward again, you should be in attacking range with either another lab breaker or tank from here (so you should dump previous turn to try and draw a 2nd one) Win

  • Ishtar Move 2 forward, play a weak monster face-down to your right and move it onto the wasteland tile. If she plays a card in front, attack it with your wasteland monster (it could be mirror wall). If she plays a card anywhere else, Move your wasteland monster next to her leader, and play another monster (maybe forced to be on crush - her playing to her left is preferred) and attack directly Should be straightforward to win from here

  • Pegasus Pray for a lab breaker in first 2 turns (I fight him early as a reset point) Move 1 forward and Nove the lab breaker through the labyrinth. Attack into trap with lab breaker, then follow up with 2 direct attacks (3-turn)

  • Rex If lab breaker: Play top right and break 2 labyrinth. Chase with leader. Break more labyrinth, should be able to get 2 direct attacks with another cannon/tank from here If no lab breaker: Basically any% strat - play a machine on the right column and move your deck leader up the left column. Move that machine 2 more forward and move your DL further up the left column. Play a monster face down and allow him to attack into it. He should be in attacking range now.

  • Seto Ideally do any% move forward strat (play monster in middle, flip face up if >1500 atk). If not move forward, occupy the corner tile with a lab breaker ideally, move leader beneath it. Have another lab monster ready for a double direct attack.

  • Skull Knight If lab breaker, move it as far forward as possible. He will move right. Attack him by breaking the labyrinth, then direct attack again with another monster played on top of it. If no lab breaker, essentially do any% strats

  • Chakra Play your strongest card all the way forward, dumping for a lab monster 2 direct attacks. If no lab monster you lose a turn (or potentially die to force, lol

  • Yugi If lab breaker: Move it forward through the labyrinth and chase - get it onto the crush tile in front of him. Move behind lab breaker and play a monster to your right to attack him with. Should be able to attack twice this turn If no lab breaker: Go around the right of the labyrinth in front of you and try your very best :3

  • Bakura Move forward, play a 1500- machine FACE DOWN on the middle crush tile. Bakura moves forward, attack directly with your facedown monster, then play over it with something strong and attack with it.

  • Jasper Lab breaker and chase. Hope to get it in first two hands, and hope he doesn't give you slots (if he equips or dumps, you get slots which waste ~12 seconds. It's unfortunately out of your control).

  • Shadi Move DL forward twice. Face down card moved forward middle, he moves onto wasteland. Attack twice (3-turn). 2-turn probably possible if you go super aggro on crush, but he'll usually move onto Forest in this case. Do it if you see Cannon Soldier, Lab Tank+Equip in hand or somthing.

  • Joey Aggressive in middle - potential for 2 turn if he doesn't kill you with a Nekogal or Judge Man or something and you have 2ks (he moves onto wasteland). If you can only play something weak keep if face down on wasteland, enjoy your lost turn.

  • Mako If cyber-stein: PUMP IT WITH EQUIPS AND AGGRO - 2-turn potential, esp. with baiting him to attack. Else: Forward twice, play a crappy monster face down in front of you and don't move it. Dump for stronger stuff if need be. He should stay put - move over your set monster and attack with the strongest card you can play (hopefully over 2k on Umi). Should be able to attack again turn 3

  • Mai Same as non-Stein Mako strats, but you have to play a second monster turn 3. Watch out for traps.

  • Tristan Move forward twice and play a machine face down on the wasteland. He should not move his DL, and move a face down monster out of the way. Attack with your facedown, then summon over it and attack again.

  • Tea Move a machine all the way in-front of her - she stays in double attacking range. Should be an easy 2-turn unless she plays Tenderness or you don't have two 2ks.

  • Necromancer Move a machine in front of his deck leader. He should move a card out of the way allowing you to double-attack turn 2. Sucks if he plays Dark Hole. :(

  • Weevil Play a your strongest machine to your left. He'll move in front of it - hope it doesn't get killed by an equipped Giant Flea and you should be able to attack twice the next turn. Cyber-stein is nice here since he could be baited into attacking.

  • Keith Move 2 forward and play a strong-ish monster face down in the left corner. If it's strong enough and he's weak enough and baited into attacking, you could 2-turn here. Forget about the face-down otherwise. Move your DL to the right of the middle labyrinth and play something in-front of him to attack, then attack again the next turn.

  • Darkness-ruler Essentially any% strat: move 2 forward and place a machine face down and move it forward on your left. If he doesn't play a card behind himself, you're safe to attack and potentially 2-turn. Otherwise, stay where you are and place another card face down to your right, mirroring your last move. He will move in-between the two cards and you should be able to win this turn.

  • Richard Move 2 forward and get a machine in front of him. Chase and attack, play another monster and attack - hopefully you have two 2ks. If he plays ATH - unlucky.

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