Potions in speedruns
8 years ago
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Hey guys. We have had this coming up in a few of the other threads and I would like to adress it with this thread. Eventhough there are other things as well, that I would rather not have in the speedruns, experience potions are one of the premier problems I have right now.

I made an heirloomed run with double potions to demonstrate my point. I initally just wanted to go for level 20, but then on the fly decided to extend it for a bit. If it was prepared well enough it would have been easily possible to reach level 40 within the duration of one Elixir of Ancient Knowledge.

Obtaining even one Elixir of Ancient Knowledge requires very like a commitment of more than an hour on a top geared character to farm the Nagrad rares for the bags. The time it takes to just gear up to that level (720-730+) where you can kill them quick enough to make it worthwhile with Cross Realm Assist is insane. And one could even argue that you rely tremendously on others for the gearingprocess.

The Elixir of the Rapid Mind is completely again RNG and obtained from either Garrison Missions, rare drops or lucky Savage Gifts. Or bought from the AH. But it is not cheap and you will have to stack up on quite a lot of them if you want to compete in runs.

While having the potions makes for some flashy videos - I got to level 20 in 10:31, more than 40 minutes quicker than the current WR, it isn't viable whatsoever to be consistently run.

I actually wanted to try running it as a human, but the prospect of having to gear up and level a character from scratch just so I could consistently farm the Elixir of the Rapid Mind on some random low-pop server easily put me off.

I did enjoy doing the run. But more as some showcase thing, not because I think we should have it in one of our categories. I am cutting the video right now and uploading it next. Please take a look at that and tell me what you guys think about it! Potions should be in their own category or just blocked completely, in my opinion. I will submit the 1 to 10 and 1 to 20 parts of it just as a statement. But it just makes the other times look ridiculous. Kind of shows that potions create a category of their own. ; )

I am going to add the links to the videos as they are uploaded - which with my connection unfortunately takes way too long. : /

First part, 1 to 10 in 4:03min: Second part, 10 to 20 final time 10:31min:

PS: I used my second Elixir of the Rapid Mind and used up the Elixir of Ancient Knowledge as well, hitting 36 in the end. The route up to level 30 is decent, but I was pretty much adapting on the fly here. Also I had a friend check out the rare spawn positions, since I had not done all of them before. If anybody is interested I can upload that as well. (You can see me running around in Western Plaguelands in search for a mailbox for about 5 minutes in the later parts of it, lol.)

Pennsylvania, USA

100% agree on the potions I had totally forgot about the farmed one also. I'd also like to add that it feels really weird to log out of my SR character onto another to send potions to then get back onto the SR character.

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Hm. Just farmed the Nagrand rares to get resupplied on potions. Managed to kill 101 of them in a bit less than 3hrs of farming with xrealm assist. They dropped a total of two bags.

With Krol the Blade being camped 24/7, it makes obtaining this just a ridiculous task. : (

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Up to 244 killed Nagrand rares now. Four bags, one potion in total. Farming them with mythic HFC gear still takes a bit of time and you need XRA to even stand a chance of getting a decent amount. If my numbers are average it will take several hours for obtaining a single potion. With okay gear, with less it will obviously take a lot longer.

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