tópico: Speedrunning
United Statesxgibbousx2 years ago

Atrius Star is a bullet hell roguelite with challenging AI, fun weapons, monster infighting, and speed running. Fly in on your helicopter, fight the monsters, and save the princess of Atrius from the evil scientist Dral.

Challenging AI The monsters in Atrius Star are built upon a concept called "orthogonal unit differentiation". This means each unit operates in a unique way causing you to make meaningful decisions to defeat each one.

Fun Weapons The weapons in Atrius Star include a chainsaw, rifle, shotgun, SMG, rocket launcher, and grenade launcher. Each weapon has its own strength, weakness, and cool down mechanic causing you to regularly switch between weapons to survive.

Monster Infighting If enough chaos ensues or monsters are manipulated just right, they will start to fight each other. It's a truly satisfying event that creates laughs and saves you ammo.

Speed Running With each game timed, you can get endless replayability by trying to beat your all-time best.

My best time is 43 minutes and 7 seconds :]

e lay1onme curtiu isso
tópico: Introductions
United Statesxgibbousx2 years ago

Hey Everyone,

My real name is Kevin Bikhazi and I'm a video game developer from Huntington Beach, California. I work full time at Bladework Games and I also run my own little indie dev studio called Atomic Lollypop.

Looking forward to chatting more with you all!


cheg curtiram isso
Sobre xgibbousx
I am a video game developer from Huntington Beach, CA.
2 years ago
2 years ago