United Statestalia1 year ago

Unfortunately, this is not allowed, as Speedrun Tool is explicitly listed as a mod whose features are (mostly) not allowed to be used during any run. While it's true that this largely achieves the same effect as loading a level using the debug console, ultimately it still uses a feature of an external mod, and savestates are also known to sometimes have weird behavior with custom entities.

If you wanted to achieve a similar effect, you could use the "Skip Restart Chapter Screen Wipe" option in Speedrun Tool, which is one of the few features of that mod that are allowed for IL runs only, or you could still use the debug console to quickly load levels as normal.

iamdogsw curtiram isso
tópico: Baba Is You
United Statestalia2 years ago

Yep, that's totally fine.

tópico: To a Starling
United Statestalia2 years ago

hey, I just clarified platform submission rules and edited all the runs accordingly, those runs were actually played on the web browser version and are now marked as "Web."

however, a standalone downloadable version just got released, you can get it here:

hahhah42 curtiram isso
notícias: Celeste
United Statestalia2 years ago

A Hat in Time

Kazoeru curtiram isso
jogada: Celeste
United Statestalia2 years ago


tluo5458 curtiram isso
jogada: Celeste
United Statestalia2 years ago

@Eggy ratio

Sickly, Gwonkee e 4 outros curtiu isso
tópico: The Site
United Statestalia4 years ago

(please at least consider making it an option for leaderboard mods)

tópico: Baba Is You
United Statestalia5 years ago

I made a speedrun discord (posted about it in this forum) but id be fine to merge it with the Reddit server

tópico: Baba Is You
United Statestalia5 years ago

We were also thinking about adding ILs for every level with clear/all levels(or whatever other name) subcats

tópico: Baba Is You
United Statestalia5 years ago

Because I haven't found any discord for this game yet, I decided to just make a small and basic server for speedrun discussions:

If there is an existing server already, please link me.

tópico: Deltarune
United Statestalia5 years ago

Do you mean c. round?

tópico: Celeste
United Statestalia5 years ago

PC has the small advantage of being on the most recent patch, so all wallbounces have an extra 2 pixels of leniency, but aside from that it's basically the same.

United Statestalia5 years ago

For the version names, you could use the names that the dev gave them, "jam version" and "final version", and also in the future when the "deluxe version" comes out, you could add a new category for it.

Lixavon e TaveZ curtiu isso
United Statestalia5 years ago

Rename 100% to Any%, and Make subcategories for the old patch (the one all of the runs are on) and the new one, which adds 2 rooms.

Lixavon e TaveZ curtiu isso
United Statestalia6 years ago

any% no menuing

tópico: Geometry Dash
United Statestalia6 years ago

I know a little bit of coding, I could probably make an autosplitters that could take out loads. Shouldn't be THAT hard, since its just pause when the play button sound plays and resume when the cube appears or the level music starts.

tópico: Geometry Dash
United Statestalia6 years ago

A few days ago, I submitted my 6:01.86 spike gauntlet speedrun. The run was pretty flawless: all levels were deathless, the menus were decently fast, and I even pulled off the Victim skip, which the world record didn't do. However, I ended up being 3 whole seconds behind the world record. The reason for this? Load times.

My laptop is on the very low end of the spectrum, which results in 3 second load times for levels at minimum. This might not seem like a big difference next to the 1.5 second load times of the world record, but when doing a full gauntlet, it adds up quickly. I cant help feeling a little cheated from a world record solely because of my hardware. (And yes, I did try going to low graphics, lowering my resolution, and closing all other tabs. Nothing worked.)

This is why I'm proposing a change in how runs are timed. I think it would be a whole lot more fair for everyone if load times were excluded. I think the timer should pause when you hit the play button, or the sound plays, and it should resume when the cube first appears in the level. This would make it so users with low end computers can actually compete with users with high end computers.

This isn't new for speedrunning. In cuphead, for example, all runs are already timed loadless, in order make running the game more inclusive to people with various tiers of hardware. Other games are already doing this, so why not GD?

Yes, retiming runs will be a HUGE pain for moderators, but if this change is implemented, it would make speedrunning GD many times more fair and inclusive for everyone, and it'll probably expand the speedrunning community of GD. And people could always code autosplitters so that runners won't need to manually pause and resume timers.

I really hope you take this change into consideration, because I truly believe that it'll improve speedrunning GD by a ton.

Sobre talia
6 years ago
6 days ago
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