tópico: Remember Me
United Statesshade_the5 years ago

One thing I appreciated was you documented all the stuff you found even if it was the most random stuff ever haha. Worth doing yeah! If there is a way to skip the Junk Bolt use I agree to keep pushing that limit. But I just cannot think of a way to do it, will definitely go play around with this once I figure it out too.

tópico: Remember Me
United Statesshade_the5 years ago

Dont you need the Junk Bolt multiple times later on too in fights/etc? But I have played around with some air walks and have not found anything this big, but it does make a point of there being possible air walk skips still to be found. Awesome find!

tópico: Remember Me
United Statesshade_the5 years ago

So I think the orange arrow/box might actually be the DLC mark yeah. As I mentioned, I got all the DLC ones really early so it will also be very useful in NG too. And yeah there are a lot of time losses on all the runs really.

Okay I will include the DLC (orange box) pressens seperate in the video. I took a bit of time on episode 3 and episode 5 learning things. As I found out just how much time is actually possible to save on episode 3 even. BUT I am on episode 7 now, and will go back and work on 100%ing this file so I can make the video.

tópico: Remember Me
United Statesshade_the5 years ago

I actually do not know what the difference is between non-dlc and dlc combo pages. I get one of the AoEs really early in NG, so it never crossed my mind it might be DLC. Quick question, could you upload an image of your combo page? I am going to do a video once I get a 100% save file of each of the animations. But currently I am really limited. But you can compare to my image here, or post yours so I can see the differences, as mine came with the DLC when I got it.

Also taken from the DLC page "Download the Combo Lab pack for the ultimate way to customize your fighting style with all three unique pressen fighting moves, plus the exclusive dragon punch, spinning kick and flash kick moves." I am going to assume the one I am showing is the spinning kick. It really does speed things up as I can take out multiple targets and dodge hits exactly like you described. This is why I decided to make a post for it.

I really am wanting to indepth test each of these animations now and see what exactly the difference is. Becuase if the spin kick is this impactful as a DLC move, surely the others are in some fashion as well. And maybe even others like the upper cut you mentioned. However I have no way to tell what the other DLC moves would be based off their name, but the spinning kick makes me believe this one at least is on the right mark maybe xD

So maybe your image and mine can be compared to see what the actual difference in DLC is as well. And I do think this is worth looking into (at least I will here soon, almost done learning the run) as I actually think I might get pretty darn close to the NG+ times simply from trying to clean each fight specifically up as if you save even 5 seconds each fight across all fights, you will save multiple minutes by the end, because there comes a point where NG+ and NG are doing almost the same versus easy mode enemies.

tópico: Remember Me
United Statesshade_the5 years ago

So as I was playing more and more I noticed something I never noticed before. Depending on which node you add to the combo, they do different animations. Some of them even being AoE. I played around a bit and was able to speed fights up by getting these AoEs off. I was curious if anyone actually has a broken down the specific combos for either NG+ or best as you aquire them for NG? Or if they just throw everything randomly into one big chain? I really noticed an improvement when trying to line animations up though. So was just wondering.

tópico: Remember Me
United Statesshade_the5 years ago

ah alright fair enough. I am using the cutscene skip while i learn the run because, when youre repeating the run over and over it saves a good bit of time. I know you said if it was added back itd be a misc category which is fine, i figured id submit it anyways just because why not since im learning it. and thought i would ask about the ILs too. however the point youre making for the ILs makes perfect sense, I will just hold off on doing them until i finish the whole run and am on a comfortable enough state to start doing full runs without the cut scene mod. thanks for the information :)

and yeah im not surprised about the capcom thing however that was really cool of dontnod at least. i was surprised you couldnt skip any. but it is what it is!

tópico: Remember Me
United Statesshade_the5 years ago

will there be maybe a second category for individual level records using the cut scene skip? or will all level records need to be done without the cut scene skip mod.

tópico: Remember Me
United Statesshade_the5 years ago

i was thinking of going for one but im not 100% sure how to get it to work. i downloaded the files and all just not sure where i need to place all the .bik files.

edit: okay if anyones curious: go to program files x86 -> steam -> steamapps - common -> remember me -> examplegames -> movies | then paste the files and replace the old ones. though i suggest making a back up of the original files so if you want to replace them back to having the cut scenes you can do it quickly. at least thats the solution i found. (i had no idea what a .bik was before doing this but was a good learning experience!)

United Statesshade_the5 years ago

Would not mission book category just be protector%? or in eotn case, just eotn normally?

United Statesshade_the5 years ago

no you cannot pick up others drops on tutorial island. however you can pick up bones that others did not pick up off of rats they killed. but thats the only somewhat way around it for anything on the island.

United Statesshade_the6 years ago

as im not mod on here i cannot do anything however im the one who set up the discord, and here is the proper link to it.

United Statesshade_the6 years ago

was my first spiderman anything speed run ive seen and the clipping was great how much it broke the game haha. great commentary as well during the run. thanks for doing this run at sgdq

United Statesshade_the6 years ago

works for me

kdx2a curtiram isso
United Statesshade_the6 years ago

oh wait thats actually a good idea. i like it.

kdx2a curtiram isso
United Statesshade_the6 years ago

I had actually thought of mentioning this. I did discuss it with a friend and they had some great reasons why to keep it. Such as someone who wants to try and go for a deathless run and not care about time and choose to only focus on not dying. And I fully support that. My stance was , if you want the wr you're going to have to not die anyways or you'll lose too much time making deathless somewhat pointless in this specific game. So either way I'm fine with. It was strange yeah that it was basically just a copy of the bg% runs. Maybe if there was more runners it could be worth keeping? Or if it was more difficult to not die.

kdx2a curtiram isso
United Statesshade_the6 years ago

i tested, it is in fact the controller input that allows it on the pc version. so thank you for putting the time into this to figure it out, it is much appreciated and i feel a bit better about it.

kdx2a curtiram isso
United Statesshade_the6 years ago

your discord isnt on your links

edit: actually none of your profile links work xD my discord is Shade#2029

United Statesshade_the6 years ago

i tried for a very long time and never could get it to happen either. kikoodx thanks for considering it. the issue with my suggestion is everyone would have to resubmit their records in the level specific record boards that either only have a picture or dont stand still at least a second or so before going in the video. so basically all of us would have to resubmit..and i dont like the sound of that. all im saying is i just do not think THIS kind of rng is not the same as every other records rng, and this defeats the purpose of using in game timers to use as record standings, making it kind of invalid for the level reords. but again, thats just my view on it. im just one of many players. if the timer manipulation is a thing, then every one who didnt get the random timer bug should get -1 seconds off their record. but again, this would mean everyone who submitted a picture would have to go again. and also that just seems really lame even for an idea. so nevermind that

kdx2a curtiram isso
United Statesshade_the6 years ago

hey it would be awesome if you set up the levels individually to have records for them time wise as well based off the in game clock for the level :)

also would like to discuss some ideas for any% and 100%

United Statesshade_the6 years ago

i feel a way to make this more consistant for players instead of unknown random level timer bugs, for level records submit a video of them starting the level standing still, then moving. this should eliminate the random bugged level timer. Because I dont think its right for someone to be able to do a level in 8 seconds but it count as 7 due to random bug with the in game time. Uusally you use in game time as its always consistant, but this is quite different and kind of defeats the purpose of using the in level time for level records. (as stated its irrelivant to the any% runs as its measured by a full time not in level time. this is only for correct level records).

kdx2a curtiram isso
Sobre shade_the
6 years ago
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