United Statesjosephyossi2 years ago

i keep consistently getting 9:15- 9:20, but i am unable to progress. my problems are rugby and pingpong, are there faster ways to speedrun those sports?

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United Statesjosephyossi2 years ago

I submitted a run and the really really funny thing is, the last one was last on 3 YEARS AGO. the other one wasn't on for A WHOLE MONTH. I submitted these runs about 5 days ago ( i think)

this is what im running https://www.speedrun.com/gdh2012 and a bunch of other doodle categories the mods are insanely active but for no longer than 5 minutes or they are never active. .-. can someone help?

United Statesjosephyossi2 years ago

3 hrs might not seem like a lot but its a 24 second doodle, so thats over like a lot of runs. the way it works is that you need to get the highest score, and those seconds go higher, the higher placement you get lol. anyways, not like speedrunning, but my goal was 36 points (or seconds) and i got 36 3 TIMES WITHOUT RECORDING and it took me over 3 hrs of recording, 5 hrs of trying overall, and 2 hours of losing my sanity :) and i finally did it. (p.s its basketball 2012 is the game) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yVc0_mvO2fTgg2cgSB-YKg6jtaIjMHGG/view?usp=sharing ofc its not verified yet but i'd like to think it will get me 57th, which is pretty huge for me. (not my best placement overall, my best is 1st place (not verified yet either, but thats okay) what were your hardest runs that took you forever to beat? (and how long?) P.S ( this is not my hardest run, my hardest run was setting the WR run, which is this one ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dANxoRc_JzlldYOEIHzWCTNUjXyoPOMi/view?usp=sharing ) it took me over like 12 hrs of recordings and 15 hrs of trying overall to get it. https://www.speedrun.com/gdce is the category thanks for reading, and have a good day! :)

Wrap, Alicetwopointoh e 6 outros curtiu isso
United Statesjosephyossi2 years ago

i currently hit a PB and its (probably?) a wr, but idk how to confirm it so my mind is at rest, the WR is 1 min and 10 seconds, and idrk how to make sure. anyhow, ty in advance for da help :) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dANxoRc_JzlldYOEIHzWCTNUjXyoPOMi/view?usp=sharing

United Statesjosephyossi2 years ago

hi, i always liked beating games or levels fast, but not as good as some of the speedrunners here. i would calculate spawn drops for games like fortnite, chances of what item i would get, and stuff like that. then the olympic doodle came out, and i was like, 'hey, im not complete trash at this!' i had gotten 2.7m score on skateboarding, and i was like 'hey, thats like, the world record!' no it was 20 million. lol. my hopes and dreams absolutely crushed by people who are just better than me. shout out to those absolutely great players. anyhow, i got into speedrunning then, because there were timed games there, like marathon. i was like, hey, maybe i could do something with it! my best time was 43 sec, wr was 35. no way im doing anything there. anyways, this is heading more to a game discussion. but this is the last part about the game for people who can actually play like, cool games. i tried out some climbing, tried to beat the game as fast as possible, and lo and behold, my climbing (two categories) both got me to top 10 at the time (its heightened a bit, cause of new players). ik it isn't much, but for me it is! i guess this is turning into an achievments forum. after that, i tried to beat the game, and i was like "no way im getting on the leaderboard". anyways, i managed to get top 150, so i was super happy. anyways, after that, i realized 'hey, speedrunning isn't for losers, look at me (in hindsight, i did not realize my extreme loserness, but it was to just heighten by rapidly declining self esteem. long story short, i got addicted, and its really fun! i now submitted my first wr run! (google doodle extension category, just by 2 seconds! though its not verified, it hasn't gotten rejected yet either. i might finally stop my declining self esteem. ) anyways, i would love y'alls to hear your great epiphany that speedrunning is actually like, cool. (or really just how you got into speedrunning) sorry for the long post, but i will really respect you if you actually read like, the whole thing. thanks, and baiiii <3

United Statesjosephyossi2 years ago

i accidentally submitted a 25 sec run instead of a 1 minute and 25 second run, which i did submit after, but i would like to know if there is a way to prevent my inevitable humiliation by removing that run.

United Statesjosephyossi2 years ago

I submitted some runs for google doodle gnome. the run categories were Blue, Yellow, and green. for some reason, after submitting, it switched them to blue. when i submitted again, to try and fix it, it changed again. i know this isn't that much of a problem, just need some help. thanks! (yeah ik doodles are kinda lame but my computer is a legitmate potato. fps crashes even on those games. really only ones i can play, but amazingly im not that bad, considering these are my first legit attempts at speedrunning.) well, thanks ahead of time for help, and have a great time speedrunning! :)

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