Spainatlaude1 year ago

here's a run I did, somehow still 10 seconds slower than current best time in that map :_)

Spainatlaude1 year ago

We are hosting a competition for the next 3 weeks at Gradis, a speedrunning individual platformer. There's 3 maps, winner will be taken from the overall leaderborad, which has the sum of your best time in each of the maps

Link to the game More info here

Free to play and to participate, if you want to opt to the prize its mandatory to connect a metamask wallet (could be empty) and paste a twitter @ . We will dm the winners on tw so make sure to use a real name. Non connecting is fine but you won't be eligible for prizes, just will play for fun.

1st $1500 + 2 special characters of the game 2nd $500 + 2 sp characters 3rd $250 + 2 average characters

There's few solid entries as of now from a couple good speedrunners doing great times. For the value of the prize you might want to check it out, hope you enjoy it

Sobre atlaude
1 year ago
1 year ago