artman406 years ago

Would these be longer categories than all missions?

artman406 years ago

Basically, what about a category where you collect every unique invisible coin in the game at least once?

That category would take speedrunners in places where they don't usually go.

Or you can go even further and make a category where you collect every unique non-enemy coin in the game at least once. This means coins lying around, invisible coins, coin block coins (I wonder how multicoin blocks would count? Exhausting those blocks perhaps), coins from objects, coin rings, and coin piles.

That would be rather long category but at least there's no grinding.

I wonder what would be the main route differences in here compared to other categories.

Ender_Onryo curtiram isso
artman406 years ago

Yup. Sub:1:04:00 is possible now as even his gold splits can be done faster.

tópico: Speedrunning
artman406 years ago

Nekuia. A speed-focused 2D platforming game .

Just look at it. The game's music even gets more intense the more you speed up!

tópico: Speedrunning
artman406 years ago

Tinertia: Very speedrunnable 2D platformer.

Very little downtime either.

artman406 years ago

But what about applause% that don't count purple coin applauses?

artman406 years ago

Applause% category would mean that you have to do all tasks that cause applause sound to be played. Tasks such things as collecting coin rows, extinguishing torches in certain areas and removing posters.

Has anyone charted all the places where applauses happen?

Also, how different would applause% route be compared to other routes?

artman406 years ago

With current glitches and route, sub 1:04:00 is possible with probably not sub 1:00:00.

artman406 years ago

Coin block% - Hit every coin block in the game at least once. May require good hat control.

artman406 years ago


Activate every applause in the game at least once by collecting coin rows, removing posters, extinguishing burning objects etc.

tópico: Speedrunning
artman406 years ago

For various reasons. Maybe any% run doesn't look as cool or doesn't require that much skill. Maybe you'd like to see everything done fast, not just small portion of the game etc.

artman406 years ago

So in other words, do cave entrances also count?

artman406 years ago

Meaning that you have to clear the level from as many beads as possible. In how many levels it's possible to do this? And if not could it be done with 2 players?

artman406 years ago

Good category as platforming moons are generally the most interesting ones.

artman406 years ago

Then there are achievement moons that take longer to get due to the dialogue.

Also, how long do cutscenes of Odyssey taking off, cutscene of a moon spawning and other things take?

It's kind of hard to calculate though as only some moons appear with a cutscene (most notably the telescope moons) and the cutscene time can differ a lot per moon. I assume it's another 10 to 15 minutes.

tópico: Speedrunning
artman406 years ago

What if I enjoy watching run after it's done instead?

tópico: Speedrunning
artman406 years ago

Wouldn't segmented speedruns mean that when the game is routed, you could go for optimal times much quicker?

They were common before but rarer now.

With single-segment speedruns, it's hard to search for individual runs if best segments happen to be in different runs.

tópico: Talk
artman406 years ago

Let's say you watch a 30-minute speedrun of someone doing crazy strategies. Then comes 15-minute speedrun that skips all the interesting parts, resulting 10 minutes of character walking in a blank space, making the run boring to watch, despite being much faster.

So, does anyone remember any instances of these things happening?

tópico: Speedrunning
artman406 years ago

Super Meat Boy also has relatively little downtime, especially when going for the max%.

artman406 years ago

Disappointing skip in terms that it makes the run less interesting. At least in the Moon dungeon, there were purple coins and power moons to collect.

Sobre artman40
6 years ago
2 months ago