tópico: Speedrunning

Let's talk about my first account "pingjizhuanjia", when I wanted to modify to obey the rules, and asked you to watch live streaming to prove my Astyanax is true, cause this apply obey the rules of sp rejected many times by mod. then I want to ask @aiqiyo ,too simple a thing you should only ask somebody to watch my live streaming, in order to prove my Astyanax apply, but why you bring so many troubles from our country? said something trouble with me in China. after that, I was banned. I think any Chinese could do better than aiqiyo when they met this occasion. I thought no need to contacted aiqiyo first cause as a runner belongs to same state, he did not help me but perished me. So, pls go out of China and never been Chinese again @aiqiyo And @aiqiyo, This time I show your bilibili movies link When aiqiyo in this link, he shows his contra(M) and contra(L), Saiyuuki World pacifist, are all world record. You only show to Chinese how you strong you are. I said many times to you, only the any% champion beat foreigers is the hounor. You submit in the link said "aiqiyo beat DK28's contra(M) with 13m45s, your WR is 12m20s", pls donnot delect this link you submit in your bilibili, DK28 could not play faster than you? it's a laugh kidding, is it worth to say you are contra(M) WR?

Sobre aiqiyoisforeigndog
5 years ago
5 years ago