United StatesYossyHop3 years ago

I agree with @lanzaa i don't think there's enough of a difference to warrant a new category.

United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

Yes and No.

Simple answer is no.

But there is a visual autosplitter that has been worked on for some time now. It goes off of visual frames. Im not sure how good it is now but back then it did not really work and had problems.

But if you want to try it and give it a go

ArlanKels curtiram isso
United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

You do not have to stream for video. All you need is a permanent video that will not disappear over time. (Along with following the rest of the rules)

Natural11 e ArlanKels curtiu isso
United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

Invite expired FeelsBadMan

United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

We already have those numbers.. we don't have a level leaderboard but we do keep track of that stuff.

and it's easier said then done since we would need a accurate timer and starting point, and this game does not have chapters. is a good place to look at those things since Capcom already made one.

SE7ENA e savagesaskatch curtiu isso
United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

since the conversation is starting to get a little hostile and the original topic at hand has already been addressed, im locking this thread.

SirVoyaflex e Mid7at curtiu isso
United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

i get what you mean. I been thinking on this since i saw the post here.

seeing someone pull there past video to look at the dials is a little poor taste.. but we cant stop someone from doing it.

As for it not being fair is also not true. we ALL have the option to do it.. weather you want to or not is your choice.

if we reject this video, he/they will just do it on a second monitor or somewhere else where we cant see. Least here he is showing his work.

With the game showing the IGT and the autosplitter can be used as proof that no foul play has happened.

United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

That's true submissions do take a while, but they are marked with a date and time on the runners submission page. So we can see who the first person is to complete this challenge. I'll try and keep a close eye on inferno NG runs for this, but sadly the queue still only shows 50 runs total. so it will take some time, until then Good Luck everyone!

Chinajingmo e DIABLERIE curtiu isso
United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

A common thing that happens with updates. I informed CursedToast already, he will look at it when he gets a chance. Thanks for letting us know

REILLYXII curtiram isso
United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

holy shit @Dyldor take a step back there. Please just stop trying to escalate things. It's getting really annoying I never said it would never get added we just want more activity from it that's all. and im not trying to hold power or what ever you think is happening... seriously just stop

Dyldor curtiram isso
United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

the thing is, on console the highest difficulty with knife only is hardcore...with only 1 person that has ran it.. nightmare has none. PC, only 4 on nightmare... so to add inferno which would probably have even less to no people running it, is kinda unnecessary other than to give that 1 guy a free WR.

if you guys want inferno we need more activity. not just from a few people.

Edit- also one note, you don't need a category on SR.C to justify/validate you doing something you can run inferno, there's nothing stopping you from doing it. you can have a WR and not be on SR.C

NixIssues curtiram isso
United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

We have no plans on adding new categories to the boards. May I suggest though if you want to do "No knife" try HG Only, since it is actually a no knife category too, so there's that option.

If not you can still do no knife runs, just because it is not on the boards does not mean you can't do it.

WhamBam_TV curtiram isso
United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

If you want your run removed you will have to DM a link of the run to me (or another mod) because the Queue is currently overflowing and is not showing new runs.

Or you can go and delete or edit the run yourself in "Pending Actions" from your profile.

United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

Hi, I can't really say weather or not the run will be accepted unless I see it. If you want you can DM me the vod either from SR.C, or on Discord and I can tell you for sure. From what you are saying though it could be fine.

I do know that Mixer runs rarely get verified, and that's not just from a Re3R perspective. Mixer tends to have problems keeping there quality/frames in tack for some reason, so I really do urge you to locally record just in case something does happens.

To message me on Sr.c just go to my profile and you will see a "send message" under one of the tabs. :)

WhamBam_TV e DIABLERIE curtiu isso
United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

you don't run on trainer mode. Trainer mode does not have the timer up on top of the screen. running on the normal mode (that has the difficulty stars showing) is what you wanna play. The timer will automatically show.

United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

no, its a PC run because you are playing it on PC.

Insomnia87 e PabloDexter curtiu isso
United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

your run is next in line to be watched.

United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

FPS must be capped and displayed at all times

Edit- you where also using a mod on Claire which is too against the rules btw.

United StatesYossyHop4 years ago

You can use it sure.

Sobre YossyHop
7 years ago
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