tópico: Hotline Miami
SomaliaUrinstein7 years ago

On Nov 5th and 6th (Saturday Sunday) we'll be having a Hotline Speed Tournament. We'll be playing NG+ All Levels and everyone interested is welcome to join.

On Saturday we'll play a few (5-6) rounds of Swiss format so everyone will get to have a few races. The top 8 runners move on to the elimination matches on Sunday, where the winner will be determined.

You can find more info and rules here: The time table (estimatied) is here:

And if you decide to join you can register here: In that case please also join the tournament Discord at:

Buffet_Time curtiram isso
tópico: CrossCode
SomaliaUrinstein8 years ago

I lost my copies of most demo versions, but if you can get your hands on any of them you can play them.

Between 0.1 and 0.1.5 there have been a few changes to the damage formula, so there are definitely differences. I have no experience with Story mode so I can't say anything about that.

Puzzle Mode got a bit harder between 0.1.1 and 0.1.5 due to those changes to combat, but 0.1.5 came with quite a bit of additions to the whole mode, so you cannot compare 0.1.5 with anything below that anyway.

Exploration Mode is a funny one. 0.1.1 (iirc) is again the easiest one due to extra damage, but 0.1.0 had a bug where you could just walk straight into the observatory without getting all of the boxes (maybe you had to get both keys, don't quite remember). This makes 0.1.0 the fastest but also the hardest, as you go into the final challenge at level 3 with average gear. Another change important for Exploration is the removal of the "charge queue", where enemies in earlier versions could not charge attack at the same time and had to go one after the other. Again this makes the earlier versions easier and effectively faster.

With the release of 0.1.5 I have stuck with that version however. It's the most fun for both Puzzle and Exploration imo.

tópico: The Site
SomaliaUrinstein8 years ago

Same problem here. Also every 3 minutes.

Tebt_W curtiram isso
tópico: The Site
SomaliaUrinstein8 years ago

I was thinking about misc categories and how no one wants to create them for just one or two runs. The leaderboards are meant to be representative of the whole respective community and that should also be the case for misc categories. That does not mean however, that none of those runs are worth showing somewhere, so I figured that there must be a way to do so.

I'm thinking of a list of unrelated runs, basically a leaderboard without ranking, where peope can dump any of their noteworthy runs. And "noteworthy" does not only have to be some meme category that people invented for themselves, but also marathon and tournament runs. Former WRs might also deserve more of a spotlight on the site, in those cases where they were excellent runs with outdated strats. There are also blindfolded runs and maybe other people can think of even more things of that nature.

So while a clean leaderboard is a nice thing, a speedgame also consists of its fringe runs and moments of historical significance and I think it would be a good addition to the site, if people could compile those here as well.

So yeah, just an idea of mine.

tsuyuame e PreFiXAUT curtiu isso
tópico: Hotline Miami
SomaliaUrinstein8 years ago

So door setup + Curry Warp seems to be the safest bet at making warps viable for runs. However each mask seems to warp slightly differently so we'll have to figure shit out for each individually.

Therefore I present my findings for Graham. Graham seems to be pretty consistent in where he lands, but not completely consistent. He either lands right in the elevator or outside of it oob.

The setup, that worked the best for me, was going to the right, looking left and positioning my right arm so that it touches the second from top floor tile line. I'd say my success rate would be about 60% if not 70%. Biker's angle doesn't seem to make any difference, but as I tried to execute him asap, I usually got him facing almost straight up anyway.

here a collage of oob warps and one of elevator warps

tópico: Speedrunning
SomaliaUrinstein8 years ago

You just made my day. :D Add me on Steam and I'll help you out where I can.

tópico: Speedrunning
SomaliaUrinstein8 years ago

Recommending this as a speedgame is rather bold, but since you asked specifically for a PC hack'n'slash I dare to try my luck.

I like to play CrossCode at a reasonable pace. It's a top down Action-RPG with sort of hacky combat, but with the added element of ranged combat, so it actually controls like Dual Stick Shooter. It contains some platforming at in certain parts a bunch of puzzles.

The reason I said, this is rather bold, well... it's an Early Access game and not close to completion at all. Naturally running a game in this state is kinda "meh" to say the least, so really the only timed runs have been done in an old (and most importantly free) promotional demo, with a surprising amount of substance to it. The way its structured, it lends itself rather well to being run.

If you're at all intersted in checking out the game anyway, you can play the demo either on Steam or here. I can also hook you up with the version that I like to run.

I now know why less is sometimes more in marketing. >.>

tópico: Introductions
SomaliaUrinstein8 years ago
  • are emulators allowed here and where can I find the rules of the site? - Each game's community decides on its rules, so you will find the rules to each category on its leaderboard on the top right where it says "Show rules". Similiarly the allowance of Emulators is up to the community. Emulator runs are specifically marked in the leaderboards, so if you don't see any in a certain game, you might wanna ask one of the game moderators.

  • what would be the best way to split while using an emulator or playing a game on PC for someone who uses a laptop? - You can find a list of software for streaming and recording here:

ParanoidRobot curtiram isso
tópico: Talk
SomaliaUrinstein8 years ago

You go to the game's page and in the top right corner, right under your account related menus, there is a text "submit run". Admittedly it seems rather subtle to me as well, but most rankings are looked at rather than submitted to I guess.

Sobre Urinstein
9 years ago
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