Washington, USATheFallenAngel8 years ago

I was playing through casually on my GameCube, which doesn't have a memory card and I can't save on so I try to skip dialog boxes and stuff, I first found I could create storage by interacting with an object the same time as a call is supposed to happen. I wanted to make sure it wasn't a one-time thing so I've just finished testing it, and it works for every call in the game.

By interacting with any searchable object while collecting keys you can skip the animation for the key, and the GB horror animation. Not only that, but if your timing is perfect you can store the calls from e.gadd after every boss (Except the second guy) which means you don't have to go through the lab scene to hand in your portraits.

Doing this to egadd, Luigi can't use the vacuum until you talk to a toad, or get a new dialog box to appear.

I had taken pictures of my TV, but they look horrible.

I always watch speed runsof my faves, and the last I saw didn't skip the labs, so I'm posting this to hopefully help get the WR time down.

SenseiJosh e mugg1991 curtiu isso
Sobre TheFallenAngel
8 years ago
8 years ago
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Luigi's Mansion
Luigi's Mansion
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