Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

Avoiding the questions and statements, nice.

To answer yours, since that's what responding is about. Especially for your position.

Because AquaBlake shouldn't have revoked himself so I corrected the categories out of sympathy for him, and returned his position back as Super Mod.

He did nothing majorly wrong in the entire thing.

Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

Ok, that's terrible reasoning.

So what was the point about having a poll that was a single selection and not multiple? What would happen if 9 Phases demolished the voting leaving the US version in the dust? What was the point on not having 2 polls for quite different versions of the same game?

The entire poll has issues from the word "Go".

[quote=Death_Devil]In FDS version i can add Phase 9, but what is the meaning of create?[/quote] What's the point of the US/PAL version getting special treatment and the German/FDS getting none? What you just stated pretty much has no weight behind it.

[quote=Death_Devil]I created the category, get and sign.[/quote] Yet you didn't know much of the game until I rocked up.

[quote=Devil_Devil]The game is at the moment unknown to all[/quote] Case in point. I actually know Mario Bros.

Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

Now what about German/FDS? You just can't blind eye that version.

[quote=Spikestuff]9 or 16 Phases for the other. Most likely. You lose an encounter if you do 9 phases, but probably better for those joining.[/quote]

Also for the correction for the two errors I left behind (for 2 players & naming conventions).

The way 2 player is meant to be like this: It's not meant to be a sub-category. Quite a mistake I left on that one.

The other is that the naming convention I left is backwards. It was meant to be "18/23 Phases" not "Phase 18/23". This is a minor-nitpick for a mistake that I left behind.

Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

You may want to consider merging with the other and making a "Mario Bros. series".

Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

It would have to be redefined at another point for a misc. category due to end points.

8 Phases for the USA version. 9 or 16 Phases for the other.

Most likely.

You lose an encounter if you do 9 phases, but probably better for those joining.

Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

Talking about whoops. I put Death's 2 player in the 1 player area. This is what I get for not checking when testing. >.>

Also, just realised I didn't put 2 player in correctly.

Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

[quote=AquaBlake]who the hell are you?[/quote] Because you asked:

That's who I am.

[quote=TheWinslinator]mods who don't look like they speak the best English[/quote] Now, I fail at Geography so exact locations aren't my thing. I was using the fact that Aqua was Canadian that his English is fine.

[quote=TheWinslinator]I mean, in the end you got what you wanted.[/quote] Actually, let me state this. I did not want to be moderator of this game, I just wanted it fixed. Which is why I reverted AquaBlake back as Super Mod when I corrected it.

I've gone to other arcade communities and stated the same thing about where loop is. Mappy is the only one which ends a round earlier than it should which ends in a way where it's fine. Galaga community was all over the place. I let them know where the loop was and that was corrected. ...then I found out there are 2 Galaga communities and the other one doesn't look at their forums.

Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

[quote=AquaBlake]Which is why you do need to fix this and correct the tables with the phases......[/quote] Yes, let's make a person who knows more about the game and is also not a mod to do stuff.

[quote=AquaBlake]why do i have to change the 10 phase thing and like everything[/quote] 'Cause every single category on this leaderboard is arbitrary. The most annoyingly arbitrary thing that's on the boards (and is the only one that can be moved to "Miscellaneous") is the 100K points. That can remain.

Something for future reference is that you can create sub categories in the main categories. Because you can do something like this: Instead of making endless tabs.

The image is using the Crash Bash leaderboards as a template with basic inspect element can show you what you can do.

[quote=AquaBlake]i liked the 10 phase thing do you want me to add more detail to the rules or change catergory's completely[/quote] Yes, you like providing a board which is incomplete and making us spend for what will be a century for me to re-explain the same things in different ways, which you'll continue to respond with a like as if you'd understand what I wrote, but not doing anything about it.

Like the image provided this needs a massive overhaul.

Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

[quote=AquaBlake]so im correct about the PAL version mine has cutscenes[/quote] No... you're still technically wrong. Like I wrote. The German version is based off of the Japanese version. Original PAL is the American version.

[quote=AquaBlake]and i have no intention of playing the kaettekita mario bros. version[/quote] Actually, you technically have if you played the German version. Which you did. And it doesn't matter if you don't have any intention, it's other runners that will need to be apart of it.

Which is why you do need to fix this and correct the tables with the phases.

Also, for consoles. You need to reenable: FDS and WiiVC And add: New3DSVC

AquaBlake curtiram isso
Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

It's hard to explain the PAL version specifically. There are two PAL versions the Original and the German version.

The Original PAL is the same as the USA version they both have 18 Phases before a loop. The German's Classic Serie is comparable to Kaettekita Mario Bros. as is it based off that version (23 Phases before a loop).

How to know which PAL version you're using. If you go straight into Phase 1 you're playing the Original version. If you see this screen: It's the Classic Serie version. You can also tell based off of the sprites, so if someone is submitting the wrong PAL version to the wrong spot it's easy to notice.

So basically to sum it up. PAL/USA: 18 Phases German PAL/JAP: 23 Phases

Kaettekita Mario Bros. is meant to have the ads, you have to go into "Original Mode" to play it without the bombardment of ads.

"Nagatanien World" is the one that has ads during your gameplay (Usually after a Bonus Phase, if I'm not mistaken). I don't know the loop of this version, but I'm pretty sure it's 23 as it has the same code as "Original Mode" just with ads within it.

Edit: Also, before I forget. You need to separate the Arcade, GBA and Atari version away from the NES version.

AquaBlake curtiram isso
Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

Complication for being correct about where a loop is? It's not a complication. That's just being stupid about it.

Big 20? A group that only chooses a random limit for NES arcade ports? Yea, that means nothing.

[quote=Death_Devil]And secondly, I do not decide such goals to deliver[/quote] Cool, that was quite obvious. I directed this mainly towards the Super Mod (AquaBlake) but you decided to respond haphazardly.

[quote=Death_Devil]it is better to learn from AquaBlake[/quote] What?

AquaBlake curtiram isso
Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

The loop for the NES version is. PAL: 23 USA: 18

Note: This includes the bonus phase.

FDS version is exactly the same as PAL version in terms of pretty much everything so... Original Version for FDS is also 23.

AquaBlake curtiram isso
tópico: Galaga
Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

That's kinda what I was on about. Expand the community by placing each series.

tópico: Galaga
Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

You Guys really need to look into each version. For example Game Gear has Galaga '91 on Arcade that's Galaga '88. You'd put them together but keep them separate.

And then you can expand instead of having just Galaga...

You also have the Arrangement versions.

tópico: Galaga (NES)
Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

Well, I just found out that there are two ares for Galaga and you haven't decided to merge with each other.

Galaga has a game loop it is at the end of the 8th challenging stage. Will there be a category to support this for future runs?

tópico: Galaga
Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

Galaga has a game loop it is at the end of the 8th challenging stage. Will there be a category to support this for future runs?

smkrogman curtiram isso
Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

That's still Reverse Boss Order. The Final Boss most of the time is Last in RBO.

Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff7 years ago

Jumps, I know a handful of people are actively running it as IL times. Mr. U (and co.), Frank & MonkeyPocket for example.

tópico: Crash Bash
Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff8 years ago

Just so you know, since we're on the topic about different leaderboards from different communities.

Be glad it's not the Jak leaderboards style. At one point that was the style that was going to be used.

And to question it. What's the point of making 4 new branches (cause this is also a 2p game) when it's easier to make it as a sub category?

Do we want to make it messy and unorganised? NO.

Tebt_W e Jumpyluff curtiu isso
tópico: Crash Bash
Victoria, AustraliaSpikestuff8 years ago

MM is faster than No MM. The ones that are faster get priority.

It doesn't matter that there's one run with a 1:23 and the other is 2hrs.

Whichever is faster is faster and it'll hold priority no matter what.

So what if it has 1 runner. You know what you should do, not complain about it and join in the MM game.

TheRedhotbr e Tebt_W curtiu isso
Sobre Spikestuff
This is meant to give out information about me and stuff, but my lazy ass already wrote all that on TASVideos, it even has hyperlinks. 😯
10 years ago
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